Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Bar Is Open!

Kick off your shoes, prop up your feet, and let me pour your favorite adult beverage.  Who's first?

Open thread for a mellow Saturday night.  We have Floyd Cramer tickling the ivories, and lady red tinkling the ice cubes.  To us!

The Scorecard - who has been voting for what

Includes a nice bright red Commie Indicator. I am increasingly concerned about the food control bill. That is downright dangerous. Even more so than the whole healthcare fiasco.

...a new, simple guide for when they have questions about how their lawmakers voted on controversial measures such as the TARP bill, auto bailout, cap and trade, food regulations and health-care reform bill.

A new congressional scorecard details votes by House members on key measures, many of which have been cited by the tea-party movement as evidence of growing federal government control and excessive spending.

The scorecard, created by Army Reserve veteran Dave Kittley using information from, also features a red label next to each member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, or CPC, the largest caucus within the Democratic caucus in Congress.

CPC was set up in 1991 by then-Rep. Bernie Sanders, in conjunction with Democratic Socialists of America and the far left Institute for Policy Studies. Its statement of purpose reads:

"The Progressive Caucus is organized around the principles of social and economic justice, a non-discriminatory society and national priorities which represent the interests of all people, not just the wealthy and the powerful.

Our purpose is to present thoughtful, practical solutions to the economic and social problems facing America. Our people-based agenda extends from job creation to job training, to economic conversion, to single payer healthcare reform, to adequate funding for the AIDS crisis, to environmental reform, and to women's rights. …"

The CPC promotes a strong "progressive agenda," what it calls "The Progressive Promise – Fairness for All."

It advocates a strong public option in health-care reform, fair-trade agreements, abolishing provisions of the Patriot Act, guaranteeing Social Security benefits, minimum-wage increases, extending the Voting Rights Act, elimination of "all forms of discrimination" based on sexual orientation, complete pullout from the war in Iraq, reaffirming the nation's engagement in the United Nations, debt relief for poor countries, eliminating "environmental threat posed by global warming" and implementing strict campaign finance reform laws.


The English auction house of Bearnes, Hampton & Littlewood is having a bit of a fit. 

An auction house is fighting for the return of a collection of treasures which belonged to Agatha Christie after mistakenly selling it inside a trunk for a thousand times less than its value.

There was a lockbox inside the trunk, and inside the lockbox were a bag containing coins, a diamond engagement ring, and a jewelled brooch.  How exciting for the buyer! 

What was your favorite Agatha Christie book or short story? 

Friday, March 5, 2010

Benjamin Shapiro Was A Good Addition to the List

Here is another good article from Benjamin Shapiro.

As Shapiro rightly points out,
The Democrats and Republicans who oppose Bunning want fiscal responsibility, unless it actually requires them to act fiscally responsible.

The concept of Negative Rights versus Positive Rights is a simple idea, but many people probably have not thought of it -- but people should think of it. It is an important concept. As long as people feel that they are entitled to what other people have worked for, then we are on a downward spiral -- and the people who feel that way cannot be free.

Music For Friday Night

We seem like passing strangers now...

Billy Eckstine and Sarah Vaughan.


Well how much fun does this look?

Games You Can Play with Your Very Large Kitty
First, get a tiger. Then get some toys and a swimming pool. And maybe drawing up a will might not be such a bad idea....

AIG Financial Geniuses Bitter And Humououourless

After the collapse of AIG, our federal government contracted with the same division that ran it into the ground; these traders were tasked with cleaning up the mess they'd made, and repaying the infusion of taxpayer cash.  In return, the government promised them boatloads of cash, in the form of bonuses.  What a deal!

However, as the stink wafted across the land, taxpayers crinkled up their noses and said "wait a damn minute!"

The media, sensing eeevil Wall Street blood in the water, attacked with a vengeance.  The politicians jumped up on their pork barrels and danced a jig, pointing fingers and shrieking when the traders fulfilled their part of contract and asked to be paid.  The witch hunt was on.  The hysteria grew.  Special, targeted punitive taxes were proposed to rake back some of the questionable booty.

Among people familiar with the Constitution and the contract clause encoded within, the household Robot B-9 began flashing and turning in mad circles:  "Danger, Will Robinson!  Danger Will Robinson!"  Contracts must be fulfilled, no matter how pungent their odor.

The traders are still stomping around their richly appointed offices, feeling scapegoated and unappreciated.  As far as I know, they were paid the boatloads of cash spelled out in their contract, but oh!  Where were the accolades from an ungrateful nation?  Where is the worship, the ticker-tape parades, the baseball cards with their pictures tucked in among slabs of bubble gum?

In James Michener's opus "Cheasapeake", his character Simon Steed was instrumental in helping Washington and the young rebel colonies throw off the yoke of British oppression.  After the war ended, many gentlemen of Steed's station received honorable postings as the new government was formed.  Washington, when approached by Steed for such a posting, recoiled in horror, for it was common knowledge that Simon Steed had profited outrageously from the war, while his fellow Americans sacrificed and suffered.  Because of his greed, Steed became a pariah among his honorable fellows.

The traders at AIG have their mountains of money, plucked from the pockets of besieged taxpayers at a time when our nation is teetering on the edge of a financial abyss.  Let them be content with our money.  They will never have our approbation.

In this article at WaPo, a trader states:

Another was even more irate, lashing out at the public for scapegoating AIG employees. "To be honest with you, I really hope it blows up. I think the U.S. taxpayer deserves to lose a trillion dollars over this thing for the way they have behaved."

Really?  Did someone say something?  Must be the wind....

Thursday, March 4, 2010

"Nothing Says Fun Like Vomit..."

Ben Shapiro is funny (and dead right).

Beautiful But Dangerous

Holy crimminy!

This Irish firebrand will knock your socks off.

Via Big Hollywood

What we know that we don't know...

Combine this......

A temple complex in Turkey that predates even the pyramids is rewriting the story of human evolution.

with this...

Oldest 'writing' found on 60,000-year-old eggshells

and realize how little we really know of our ancient forebears. Such finds also give more credence to authors of works such as this.

Which then gives rise to statistics such as this...

JESS3 / The State of The Internet from JESS3 on Vimeo.

H/T - Laughing Squid

A rather large correction. I wasn't near my source documents while making this post, and with an old adled brain on a Google search convinced myself that the book I referenced in the post was correct. It wasn't. This is the book I was alluding to. The Lost Civilizations of the Stone Age

Apologies. Though my thoughts still stand.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday Night Beer And Pretzels

A Strange Antiquities Case

This is one very weird situation...

The prosecution of the largest-ever American Indian artifacts looting case has been rattled by the apparent suicide of the government informant who broke open the investigation during more than two years of undercover work.
The death marks the third suicide in the case since investigators announced last June that they had charged more than two dozen people with illegally excavating, collecting and dealing artifacts including pottery, stone pipes and ancient jewelry.
Two defendants killed themselves shortly after their arrests, and now the government has lost its most important witness to a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Overzealous prosecutors?  Guilt-ridden grave robbers?  An ancient Native American curse?    Hmmm...

Student sets off chemical bomb in Detroit school.

"Phoenix Multi-Culti Academy"?!? This is an elementary school, fercrissakes!

Good News! Grandma Is Poor!

The progressives infesting our government are up to more tricks.  Dissatisfied with the percentages of "poor" people in our great nation, our government is "rewriting the formula" so that more of us may included:

The government took steps Tuesday to highlight the increasing numbers of poor Americans, adopting a revised formula that is expected to double the number of older people classified as living in poverty to nearly 1 in 5.
Under the new formula, overall poverty is expected to increase from 13.2 percent, or 39.8 million people, to 15.8 percent, or 47.4 million, mostly due to rising expenses from medical care and other factors.

Doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?  Hey, maybe YOU'LL qualify!  Wouldn't that be great?

With the potential to add more older Americans to the ranks of the poor, the numbers may underscore a need for continued – if not expanded – old-age benefits as a government safety net.

These socialist manipulators seek to add more people to the welfare rolls, and convince them that their very existence depends upon the goodwill of their elected "representitives", thus insuring their infestation keeps skittering along behind the baseboards of our Republic.

So what is "poor"?  What is "living in poverty"?  Unlike many of these Obamabot social "workers", I've witnessed what "poor" is.  Poor is a reservation family living in a mud hut with no running water and no electricity.  Poor is a family living under a bridge overpass and cooking rodents over an open fire.

If you have a real roof over your head, heat in the winter, a shirt on your back, and food to eat, you are NOT poor.  Your basic needs are being met. 

If you have a car, a television set, and electricity, you are RICH, not poor.

On an every day basis, Americans should take care of one another, and each of us should strive to care for those among us who cannot care for themselves.  This is not a function of government.  It is the solemn duty of our churches and civic groups at the local level.  That being said, I would entertain the thought of some type of  governmental "safety net" for dire circumstances (such as people starving in the streets).

Of course, the definition of poverty is a subjective assessment.  The above is MY opinion of "poor".  What's yours?  How do you feel about the current government manipulating poverty figures?  Should we empower our federal government to provide a "safety net" for individual citizens, and if so, when should that "safety net" be activitated?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Birthday lady red!


Here's a bottle or two of my wine to celebrate!



Buyer's Remorse?

I tried to find the CBS/NYT survey referenced here, but could not. But I believe Mallard, probably the only newsperson(?) who has never lied to me.

Facing Jihad

The text of a speech by Geert Wilders, given at the Four Seasons Hotel in New York to announce a coming conference in Israel on Facing Jihad.

With this level if non-PC truth telling, it is no wonder the Dutch government put him on trial.

Why Canada's banks didn't need bailouts

I thought this article from the AEI was a pretty good summary.

Some of these points I was aware of, others were new to me.

But it all reinforced a conclusion I'd had already reached: that Canada's banking system was indeed safer - for the banks.

Canadian homeowners, faced with full-recourse debt and interest payments renegotiated ever five years, might reasonably point out that safety for the banks isn't free.

But then, nothing is.

Quentin Tarantino "The Mantovani of Testosterone"

Critique. As only Steyn can.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I Told You So, My Fellow Democrats

Lynne Forester De Rothschild, prominent Democrat activist, AND supporter of John McCain during the last election, on how we should have foreseen the train wreck that is the Obama presidency.

The End Of Battles

Victor Davis Hanson, world famous military historian, writes an interesting speculative piece on why the world has seen the end of major, head-to-head battles of the type that characterized Western-Style warfare.

Or have we?

Off To The Gulag With Them!

The President of Russia is not best pleased with those responsible for Russia's pathetic Olympic performance:

Finally, I cannot but agree with you that those in charge of preparing for these Olympics need to take their share of responsibility for the results. This is obvious. I think that those responsible, some of them at least, should take the brave decision to submit their resignations and step down. If they do not find within themselves the resolve to do so we will help them.


Sunday, February 28, 2010

I Went to High School With This Guy

I just saw this on Face Book: I graduated high school with Jim, and he is running for Congress as a conservative Republican.

Let's hope he wins!

Sunday Night Dinner

As any Englishman worth his salt knows, Sunday is the day we roast a joint, make gravy from scratch, boil vegetables, roast potatoes, and, if the joint is beef, make Yorkshire Puddings.

If you have never made or eaten a Yorkshire Pudding, I urge you to do so.

Nectar from the gods. Here is a picture of mine from tonight. You must follow the recipe exactly and the oven temp MUST be at 450F.

Yorkshire Pudding Recipe - makes 12

Pre-heat oven to 450F

I cup all purpose flour sifted with 1 teaspoon salt
3 large eggs, slightly beaten
1 1/4 cups 2% milk

Hand whisk all ingredients until smooth. Let mixture sit at room temperature for 45 minutes.

Pour a teaspoon of cooking oil into each muffin cup and put pan into pre heated oven for 2-3 mins to heat oil. Pour pudding mixture into pan. Cook for twenty minutes or until golden and puffed!

Hockey. North America. Gold Medal.

'Nuff said. 

The National Denture Crisis

Hugh Hewitt and Mark Steyn cut to the heart of the health care 'summit' of last Thursday.

The Foolishness Of Intellectuals

Dr Thomas Sowell explains how intellectuals will lead us over the cliff.