Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Foolishness Of Intellectuals

Dr Thomas Sowell explains how intellectuals will lead us over the cliff.


  1. Excellent. He nails it. Thomas Sowell is a national treasure, IMO.

    Sowell: I define intellectuals as persons whose occupations begin and end with ideas. I distinguish between intellectuals and other people who may have ideas but whose ideas end up producing some good or service, something that whether it's working or not working can be determined by third parties.

    With intellectuals, one of the crucial factors is their work is largely judged by peer consensus, so it doesn't matter if their ideas work in the real world.

  2. Renowned economist Thomas Sowell argues that intellectuals have strong incentives to step out of their area of expertise and "off a cliff." Ultimately, everyday people pay the price when intellectuals and abstract concepts trump real-world specifics.

    Exactly. They tend to lead us right to Head-Smashed-In-Buffalo jump, greedy bastards, without regard or care for the consequences.
