Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Third Grade: Revisited

 What a pitiful display of clawing, biting, eye-gouging, and hair pulling.  It's no wonder that most of us are dyspeptic.

Please pass the Rolaids.  


  1. As soon as I saw it was that eejit actually speaking, I clicked off.

    She's a loser and a hater.

    Ditto little Ronny Reagan. He needs to go back to doing dog shows.

  2. The reasom they spend so much time on Sarah Palin is that she STILL frightens them.

    After more pure shit has been thrown at her than any politician I've ever seen has had in the same time period, they simply cannot understand why we simpletons don't hate her as much as they do.

    After all, don't we know that we should listen to our betters?

  3. I'm sorry, Lady Red. But I'm with Florrie, I couldn't force myself to watch it. You can only stack bullshit so high before it just falls over on itself.

  4. I did not watch it all the way through, either. I turned it off immediately after the question was asked about why they spend so much time on Sarah.

    I did note that it took three of them to stand up to Pam, though.

  5. I can't STAND Joy Behar. I would probably defend anyone she attacked. If she started hating on President Obama, I'd most likely become his biggest fan.

    Not really, but you know what I mean. :)

    She's a shrill, nasty, bitchy piece of work who thinks the answer to every question is to out-yell and name-call the person she has decided deserves her ire.

    I don't really care about Geller, she's no one I want to hear talk. I don't *hate* her, I just don't give a crap. She is something of a harpy in a lot of her interactions, but since I'm only exposed to it if I seek it out, I don't have anything invested in disliking her.

    And I think Ron Reagan is ridiculously reaching for some sort of relevance. I don't care about him, either.

    I went from extreme Palin fan-dom to being disappointed in her. Her speech to the RNC convention was my first experience with her, and even staunch Dems have admitted she hit that out of the park. After that... I wanted to be a huge fan, but she hasn't lived up (in my opinion) to that. Her quitting the governorship, in particular, really bothered me. Yeah, I get her reasoning. But I also *don't* get it. I just don't get giving up, and in the end, that's what it was.

    And because she hasn't lived up to my hopes, I wonder at why the left bothers with attacking her at all. Palin's popularity has a lot to do with the attacks of people like Behar. So why keep giving her relevance if they can't stand her? I totally don't get it.

    If Palin is the phenomenon that refuses to go away, she owes it in large part to third grade playground attacks like the one from Robert Gibbs that make people's hackles rise. The Behars and Gibbs come off as elitist assholes when they are trying to say they represent the people.

    What people? Champagne and Caviar populists? Please!

    Also, I didn't watch the segment. I'm already sick, I don't need the urge to puke that Behar always inspires in me on top of that.

  6. AFW...your opinion of Mz Sarah parallels mine, except, that yes, I do hate her viscerally, for reasons I've oft stated that are personal to my belief system. I believed should could change on a national stage. She merely got worse. Trust me, it is a "bone of contention" within my own household.

    My opinion is simply this: If Mz Sarah is retained as the symbol of conservatism, and by derivation, the Republican party, they are toast. She has all the compassion for life as an ax murderer. As a foil, she gives dolts like Behan a bully pulpit. They couldn't be more delighted with such a splendidly stupid target.

  7. Good analysis, afw, I agree with what you're saying.

  8. Also - if I hear one more f'n time about the f'n hand notes I'm going to cut a b*tch. SRSLY.

    President Obama reads word for word from a freakin' teleprompter. WORD FOR WORD. Speck in my eye, plank in yours and all that.

    And I'm not saying that as a Palin defense, I'm saying that as common sense.

    **Um, what are the blog rules about cussing? I should probably establish that right off. For me, I mean.

  9. Hmm, I'd like to know too...

    Nice to be able to drop the f-bomd every now and then...

  10. Yes, I went back before hitting publish and changed all my cussing. :)

  11. F-bomd? Holy cow, DWT's influence on me runs deeper than I suspected :-)

  12. I just searched between the couch cushions and under the bed. I found a few dust bunnies, but no blog rules about cussing. :)

  13. Cussing? I just use kanji.

    As in, who you callin' 馬鹿野郎, you 馬鹿野郎!

    See, easy.

  14. Hmmmph. If I knew how to put those little profane squares of kanji in my comments, I would.

  15. ...psst... ...flo... ...sekrit ninja trick... ...cut and paste works... !

    I love living in the future.

  16. You would think I could figure out that 馬鹿野郎 trick on my own, pfft.


  17. Although lewy's swearing is tall and well-defined while mine looks short & squat....

  18. "Holy cow, DWT's influence on me runs deeper than I suspected"

    Well, now I feel bad for corrupting you.

    I guess I never realized how much worse my language has gotten over the course of the last few years.

  19. I think she meant her typo Sidd, not the swearing...

  20. "I guess I never realized how much worse my language has gotten over the course of the last few years."

    Fay is right, I meant the typos, Sidd. I've been dropping the "f-bomd" for decades...

    Although not in front of my mom :-)
