Sunday, February 28, 2010

The National Denture Crisis

Hugh Hewitt and Mark Steyn cut to the heart of the health care 'summit' of last Thursday.


  1. We were watching the health care "summit" when that idiot woman started blabbering about the dead sister's dentures.

    How do we elect such people? How utterly embarrassing for us as a nation.

  2. You are braver than I, Lady Red. I would rather have had root canal than watch that.

    So far, the only things I'd heard of it was someone gushing that Barry was 'professorial' and 'armed with all the facts', and that John McCain had been 'smacked down' by his intelligent answers.

    Somehow, I didn't believe it.

  3. It didn't happen like that, Sid. Obama made no attempt to discuss (or even listen to) anyone's ideas, he seemed ill-informed, and he ran the gathering like a monarch dictating to his underlings. I kept waiting for him to point and declare "off with his head!"

    It was a sham. The American people know it. If he and his cohorts go to reconciliation to ram this monstrosity of legislation through, this country will erupt.

  4. Yeah, Sid. The Mesiah said that it was using political props or somesuch to read from the current Senate bill. So, it was playing dirty politics to read the legislation that is currently on the table.

    And, by the way, I don't think the Canada Health Plan pays for dentures. The English one does pay for dental work, and we know how good the English system works.

    How anyone could say that Obama was masterful is beyond me. The Republicans came with facts, figures, and suggestions. The Dems came with sob stories (many of which can be topped from most systems with socialized medicine). There was the one story of the guy who was going to get a transplant and have all his follow-up covered for three years, then he was on his own. What the Dems don't tell you is that there is a good chance that his transplant probably would not have been covered at all in a socialized system.
