Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Will this be the straw...

that breaks the camel's back?  Horrific news from London today. WARNING, the links contain graphic details.

When are we going to finally do something?  As I posted on FB:

There is absolutely no reason now, nor was there ever, to appease these barbaric bastards. Sorry Cameron but your "Britain will never buckle to terrorism" is a huge effing already have. Could we please find a world leader somewhere with half the balls of Churchill...he was right then and he's right now "There is no greater mistake than to suppose that platitudes, smooth words, and timid policies offer a path to safety."

More incredible details here and here.

And really, is this any surprise?

RIP brave Soldier and thank you for your service.


  1. You are exactly right, Fay. Exactly. And this while "immigrants" riot in Sweden over the police shooting a machete-wielding man.

    We're right behind Europe. I give us a decade, maybe less.

    My heart-felt sympathy to the family of the innocent man who was slaughtered.

    1. Oh good grief florrie, I didn't hear about the Swedish "immigrants".

      Sick, sick, sick.

      I despair.

  2. I don't think this will change anything, except that it will cause a certain number of Britons to realize HMG is hopeless and to opt for regime change in their hearts.

    1. I hate to admit it but you are probably right Kevin. What I want to know is, what the fuck will it take?

    2. I'm not sure, Fay. But my best guess is that the change will come only when Western women feel that they and their children are directly, personally physically threatened. Until that time, none of this really affects them, except for that small minority who are aware, of course.

    3. Kevin that point has already come and gone for the Swedish. They'd rather risk rape and murder than be seen as politically incorrect.

      It's pretty obvious why the police took 20 min to respond. They were desperately hoping the jihadis would scatter and they wouldn't need to engage in an armed confrontation. Not because they were physical cowards, but because they were political cowards - if I was a British cop who shot the jihadis I'm not sure I'd trust HMG to stand behind me. Better to hope they just get away.

    4. Jeez, Lewy, good point about Sweden. I guess then I have no idea, but it won't happen without leadership to articulate the problem and propose a solution.

      Agreed on the British police.

  3. Perhaps the ROP shall soon find out that the people are not their governments.

    If it took British Police 20 minutes to respond to this horrific act because they needed to find officers who were armed, imagine what will happen when the English people rise up and fight off the chains of tyranny thrown on them by weakness and ineffectiveness of their government.

    I hate to say it, but I hope that day comes soon. All it takes for evil to flourish is for good people to do nothing.

  4. We have the BBC news on here at the Embassy. The PM is convening an "emergency meeting." A parade of "British Muslim leaders" is appearing to condemn the attack. And now, business news.


    1. It's the BBC Kevin, what else would you expect?

  5. Question: will this be classified as a combat death?

    Recall Major Hassan's jihadi murder spree was (and is) classified as "workplace violence". This from an administration which reserves the right to kill American citizens with drones. I don't know what the latest official position is but Holder didn't eliminate the possibility that drones could strike within the US even. Yet an armed jihadi screeching Allah Akbar doesn't even rise to the level of "combat" or "terror".

    So are the British going to likewise try to have it both ways?

  6. These fucking cowards hit the soldier with a car first, then, sure he would not be able to fight back, then jumped him with big kitchen knives. Witnesses say there were trying to extract organs to parade as trophies and asked people to take their photographs.

    I am sick at heart over this. Our people, faced with clear barbarism, is too cowardly to do anything about it.

    And they are rioting in Sweden, which the Swedes deserve btw.

    I dont know when we will pick up the gun, I just hope I'm alive to see the look on their faces when they realize they've gone too far.

  7. Thr British government has spent 30 years making unarmed sheep of their actual citizens, all the while importing ravenous wolves.

    Maybe this will change things, but probably not.

    Reading some of the comments at a news site, when one person decried the inability of unarmed Britons to come to the soldier, he was shouted down by fools who whined about having armed civilians would only have increased the body count.

    There was no thought that the lifeless bodies of the murderers would have been the correct thing.

    1. DWT, well, good to hear from you, if under less that ideal circumstances. Been wondering how you are doing (and lady red too).

      Said circumstances do put things into perspective... "well at least I didn't get run over today and butchered like a pig in the street" did pass my mind as I made it home...

    2. Dances With TyposMay 23, 2013 at 4:14 AM

      Thr British government has spent 30 years making unarmed sheep of their actual citizens, all the while importing ravenous wolves.

      You hit the nail on the head, dances. Another thing I was reading about yesterday on gawker was a post (and comments) just tearing apart some group - I think it was British Defence League - who had the audacity to protest the killing. I don't know the background of this group but nobody got hurt, much less slaughtered. I was astounded that so many people would slam this group yet not a work about the butchers that murdered the innocent soldier. WTF?!?

    3. It's the EDL florrie (English Defence League). Far right Fascist group, but really who could blame them in this instance. At least they did SOMETHING.

      And like you (and others) have noted, when was the last time any of their members decapitated anyone in broad daylight on a London street.

  8. I'm glad to see you too, Dances. And where is lady red? Does anyone know? I hope she is all right and that her folks are ok...

    1. lady red is about on FB so I think she's okay :)

    2. Ahh, that's good news, thanks for the update, Fay!

  9. I'm here! Don't send out the St. Bernards quite yet. :-)

    Life has my plate overflowing lately. A quick gander of FB is about all I've had the mental and emotional energy to handle, lol. Nothing catastrophic happening, just tons of bit and pieces that have me caught like a deer in the headlights. I'll get traction soon!

    I was heartsick reading about the British soldier, and more heartsick that the crowds stood around, not wanting to confront the blood-soaked savages. One lady stood up to them, and probably prevented more people from getting cut or killed. She's a hero in my book.

    The EDL folks don't impress me. What good does it do to confront the cops? The cops aren't the bad guys, they're just (like lewy pointed out) political cowards. I understand EDL's frustration, but standing in the street and yelling (between pints at the local pub) won't gain much. Perhaps they can rally bigger groups...if thousands upon thousands of Brits take to the streets, it may have a political impact.

    Europe has thrown off Muslim attempts at colonization before, but this time the heathen masses have been invited inside the gates. European governments have essentially aided and abetted the enemy, while regurgitating a mantra of "cultural diversity" and "tolerance" to the masses. It's a recipe for disaster.

  10. Fay, as to the answer for your question... signs point to No.

    1. Yes, I saw that lewy. Unbelievable.

    2. It's almost comical now:

      "Female pensioner, 85, arrested, handcuffed and taken away in police van after hurling abuse at Muslims outside her local mosque

      An 85-year-old woman has this afternoon been arrested and handcuffed by police allegedly for insulting Muslims outside a mosque.

      The pensioner was said to have shouted ‘go back to your own country’ as Muslims gathered for Friday prayers at Gillingham Mosque in the Kent town.

      She was standing at a bus stop in the street outside the mosque when the incident took place.

      According to eyewitnesses, the elderly woman was spoken to by police officers, before being handcuffed and then put in a police van and driven away at wound 1.45pm."

      Because, you know, handcuffing and arresting 85 year old women will definitely stop the hatred and senseless violence.

    3. She would have been a teenage girl during the Blitz.

      Sad. The England she knew is dead. Poor woman would probably go home to her own country herself, if she had one.

      Boris Bedhead (whatever his name is - you know the guy with the tousled blond mop who is the mayor of London) said we must not blame Islam for the attack on the soldier.

      Yes, and if a couple of cockney yobs ran down and butchered an Imam after Friday prayers I am 100% certain that Boris wouldn't blame the EDL or UKIP or the BNP.

      The British establishment is absolutely not letting this crisis go to waste. They are using it to remind everyone exactly who is the boss.

    4. Damn, Fay, that's effing frightening. I know it's a trite comparison but it truly is Orwellian.

      How the mighty Albion has's heart-breaking.

  11. I am surprised at Boris saying that lewy. He's normally quite sensible when it comes to matters PC.

    Steyn, of course, strips the nonsense down to the bleedin ' obvious here:

    In London as in Boston, the politico-media class immediately lapsed into the pneumatic multiculti Tourette’s that seems to be a chronic side effect of excess diversity-celebrating: No Islam to see here, nothing to do with Islam, all these body parts in the street are a deplorable misinterpretation of Islam. The BBC’s Nick Robinson accidentally described the men as being “of Muslim appearance,” but quickly walked it back lest impressionable types get the idea that there’s anything “of Muslim appearance” about a guy waving a machete and saying “Allahu akbar.” A man is on TV dripping blood in front of a dead British soldier and swearing “by Almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you,” yet it’s the BBC reporter who’s apologizing for “causing offence.” To David Cameron, Drummer Rigby’s horrific end was “not just an attack on Britain and on the British way of life, it was also a betrayal of Islam. . . . There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act.”

    1. Fay, Pamela Geller has a post on Boris Johnson here.

    2. lewy, I didn't mean I didn't believe you. I was surprised at Johnson having said it, I saw that video of him on another site. I'm very disappointed in him.

  12. You all make good points of course and I don't have anything to add beyond regret that the world is going the way it is. I do wish, though, that we could hear from Alison, as she resides in the middle of the battle, and hear her take on all this.

    1. Luther, Alison has been posting on FB about this incident. As you can imagine she is furious and more than a little upset, as are all of us.

    2. Thanks, Fay. Though I don't have a FB account, you're correct, that is what I would imagine of Alison, and all of you. But one thing I can't imagine is how any sane person could not have the same response, though examples of those who do not abound.

  13. Looks like my link to Steyn is wonky, here is the URL:
