Saturday, May 25, 2013

Monty Python Is In The House

STOCKHOLM (FRIA TIDER). Owners of cars destroyed in the riots fined for parking illegally while police adopt non-intervention policy.

Since last Sunday, May 19, rioters have taken to the streets of Stockholm’s suburbs every night, torching cars, schools, stores, office buildings and residential complexes. Yesterday, a police station in Rågsved, a suburb four kilometers south of Stockholm, was attacked and set on fire.  But while the Stockholm riots keep spreading and intensifying, Swedish police have adopted a tactic of non-interference. ”Our ambition is really to do as little as possible,” Stockholm Chief of Police Mats Löfving explained to the Swedish newspaper Expressen on Tuesday.”We go to the crime scenes, but when we get there we stand and wait,” elaborated Lars Byström, the media relations officer of the Stockholm Police Department. ”If we see a burning car, we let it burn if there is no risk of the fire spreading to other cars or buildings nearby. By doing so we minimize the risk of having rocks thrown at us.”

Swedish parking laws, however, continue to be rigidly enforced despite the increasingly chaotic situation. Early Wednesday, while documenting the destruction after a night of rioting in the Stockholm suburb of Alby, a reporter from Fria Tider observed a parking enforcement officer writing a ticket for a burnt-out Ford. When questioned, the officer explained that the ticket was issued because the vehicle lacked a tag showing its time of arrival. The fact that the vehicle had been effectively destroyed – its windshield smashed and the interior heavily damaged by fire – was irrelevant according to the meter maid, who asked Fria Tider’s photographer to destroy the photos he had taken. Her employer, the parking company P-service, refused to comment when Fria Tider contacted them on Wednesday afternoon.

HT Protein Wisdom


  1. Kill people and rape young girls? That's OK. Overtime parking? We cannot tolerate that!

    1. to: P-service
      re: my recent parking ticket:

      Please find enclosed one (1) rock, in lieu of krona. According to news reports, rocks are now a kind of de-facto currency.

      If this ground delivery is deemed insufficient, I can provide additional rocks by air.

      K? Thx.

  2. My Swedish ancestors are turning in their graves. I am ashamed to acknowledge any connection to these insane Scandinavians. They richly deserve what they have sown.

  3. It gets worse: I don't know if everyone has seen this piece of background. Wade through the PC crap and get to the part which explains the police shooting which started this.

    The way I read this is that the Swedish police shot an elderly European immigrant who had (previously that night) been defending himself with a knife against the very "youths" who are now rioting.


  4. Thanks for the update, lewy. It just seems to be getting worse and worse.

  5. 'From the fury of the Norsemen, Dear God deliver us'.

    That is part of an old English prayer.

    Those who prayed it would be shocked to see the Norsemen they so feared reduced to helpless victims by such a relatively tiny number.

    Of course it is not really the 'immigrants (ssshhhh muslims) who are at fault for this it is the personal and societal cowardice that come from 30 years of PCBS forced upon people who used to be free & strong.

  6. From the article... "drawing renewed attention to the interplay of immigration, economics, and government."

    If, instead of the broad branched 'immigration', they could just somehow stutter out of their fucking mouth "Muslims".

    First step is identifying the enemy. Actually, first step for Swedes is believing there is an enemy.

    Same holds true here by the way.

    And I'm sorry, truly, but freedom of religion will be our downfall. An instance in which the founders failed to look out far enough, or broad enough.

    1. That is true, Luther, but only insofar as one considered Islam a religion. If it were legally defined as an aggressive and un-American ideology--as we did with Communism--with pretensions to divine aspects, well. Problem solved.

    2. Communists should have claimed they were a religion. Like the Jedi.

      BTW I don't recall that Communists or Communism were ever banned in this country, per se.

      If we could ban any ideology incompatible with limited and enumerated government powers, then heck, we could have banned FDR. (Actually many of his policies were found to be unconstitutional, come to think of it.)

  7. Though, let me say, that that was the absolute best decision they could have made. It's a fricking conundrum, it is, limits on freedom. How can you mouth the word, and then restrict it.

  8. Luther: "And I'm sorry, truly, but freedom of religion will be our downfall"

    As I wrote on FB, Islam is not a religion, it's a cult. Allah is in no way related to the G-d of Judaism or Christianity.

    1. Fay, my point is not how we describe it but of its effects.

  9. Muslins are not given these powers because of their religion -- they are given their powers because they are non-white, non-Western.

    White Christians get their track teams disqualified by pointing to the sky after a race. White Christians have their sacred symbols mocked by government-sponsored works of "art." White Christians have anything associated with their teachings banned from public discourse.

    Those things do not come close to the ignominies thrust upon the Jewish people of the world. Imagine the nerve of those Israelis for trying to defend themselves from people who want to eradicate them.

    Muslims, however, get apologies when a white Western "journalist" has the poor taste to say that the muslims who committed the atrocity in London looked muslim.

    It is not freedom of religion that brought these things about, it is the attitude of those who resent the fact that truly civilized people are responsible for their actions. Our Judeo-Christian heritage teaches people to not submit to their basest desires and wishes.

    How do you expect the government to control everything if people live responsibly without such control?

    1. "Muslins are not given these powers because of their religion..."

      In this country they are and will continue to be. No, we are not yet at the stage of Israel or Europe, but until the Wahhabis are no longer an influence in the world there will be the constant threat of such in this country. We've had two Presidents, the latest more so, who treat Islam as a religion with which we must respect, to our greater detriment. Matter of fact there is on longer a war on Islamic terrorism, it is all just a criminal issue now. Slow caving, again brought about by Islam as religion.

      Realize though, that I don't disagree with your points. Just think it is not that simple.

    2. Luther, your comments sounds to me like comments from those who want to end gun violence in the U.S. by taking guns away from law abiding citizens. If the U.S. just did not have that pesky Second Amendment the country would not have to put up with murderous thugs: if we just did not have that pesky freedom of religion we would not have to put up with murderous thugs.
      A pregnant woman was arrest in Britain for waiving a British flag-- it offended muslims and was therefore a crime. You know that if she held a jar of urine holding a crucifix she would have had no problem. It is the political leaders who do not understand the situation. Did you see the video of the EDL march in Newcastle? Western leaders are at pure folly if they think the people are going to take things lying down. If a British soldier cannot walk down a street in his own country without fear of being killed, then why do people have to fear their governments from taking action against them? We can either be killed or we can be killed. I believe most people would rather be killed taking a stand than by meekly submitting to perversion masquerading as a "religion of peace."

  10. Well, Matt, there is no reason why you would, or should... but how little do you know me. It is obvious I'm unable to articulate my opinion in an understandable manner, so I won't try further. Thanks for your comments.

  11. Oh now...don't be like that, Luther! I have a hard time typing my thoughts down too but I know what you meant.

    I'm glad to read your thoughts and opinions, we're all in this together, friend.

  12. I may be on another Planet, florrie. Or, Galaxy. Or, no near term thing at all.

    But yes, we are all friends, I know that, and the importance of same.

  13. Fay, thanks for your post. The world has indeed tilted on its axis, and every new headline is like waking up in a house of mirrors, creepy with cobwebs, distortion and white noise. Ugh. The "news" from Sweden is the very definition of insanity.

    Why have so many "white" people grown to despise themselves and western culture? It baffles me. These suicidal idiots have made it their mission to grovel on their knees wailing mea culpas to savages and emptying their nation's coffers to barbaric cultures who despise them for it.

    At what point do we label these apologists for what they are? Collaborators, cowards, and traitors.

  14. The trouble is that Luther is correct. Religious Liberty, at least to the extent that we continue to kowtow to unconstitutional demands by certain religions, will be the downfall of not only the US, but all of western civilization.

    The trouble is that even though we know it is a cult (and a brutal one) HOW do we legally remove the name 'religion' from islam?

    We are well into the chain of events we see so clearly in France, Sweden & Britain, ALL of which are primarily caused by increasing populations of muslims, and secondarily, by foolish governments who prize 'diversity' above all, no matter how much damage it may do to the core culture.

    I fear for the US now, far more than I did during the cold war, because the blind are leading us, and leading us down the path to a society that none of us wants to see our children & grandchildren raised in
