Saturday, September 21, 2013

Exams, and More Exams!

Our friend Matt is taking his licensing exams this weekend, but I'm sure he's cool, calm, and collected.


Fay has donned her exquisite pompon hat to cheer him on!

Florrie rounded up all her neighbors and is hosting a block party! Uh oh, who called the cops?

It's not the cops, it's lewy! He's channeling all of his super-freaky cosmic encouragement towards Canada!

Dances With Typos has prepared a festive spread, because it's not wise to test on an empty tummy. Mmmm!

A traffic snarl just wouldn't do on test day, so Aridog called in a few buddies to smooth the way.

Annie has hired a world-class musician to play in the testing center lobby. Good music relieves stress and boosts recall. Really!

Oh look! Jourdan has hidden a top-secret message in the diplomatic pouch. It's tucked into a cookie, and reads "You will have a stressful weekend, but good things are on the horizon. Made in Hong Kong."

Girl on the Scene has contributed an elephant to cheer you on!  Because...because...just because! It's not every day a friend has an opportunity to send another friend an elephant. It's an African thing. The neighbors will be oh so impressed! And so will the street sweeper!

Noah and lady red are gearing up to tend to any testing wounds you may incur, like acute eye-twitch, or computeritis.



  1. Oh, how wonderful! Thank you very much.

    While I don't know how well I did today overall, this sure picked up my spirits. Hopefully the Table Vibes will carry me through to success tomorrow.

  2. You've worked very hard for this Matt! I think you and lovely Fay will be having quite the celebratory dinner very soon!

  3. Oh, I hope so. It takes them two months to get us the results.

  4. I am sure you did well, Matt - you've worked hard and studied hard and you have all our prayers and good wishes to back you up.

  5. WOW! lady red what a fantastic card, thank you so much for cheering Matt on. We both appreciate it very much xxx

  6. What a wonderful card, lady red! Matt, I hope you aced it, I'm sure you did. I would tear my hair out having to wait 2 months for the results. Yes, like Dances said you have our prayers and good wishes. Mazel tove!

  7. You're a brave man, Matt! Anybody can learn. Few can take tests! (I couldn't handle it any more.)

    Really awesome card, lady red!

    The neighbors will be oh so impressed! And so will the street sweeper!


  8. For the non Facebookers, you missed all the excitement. I may try to copy and paste so you can share our in our fun and adventures.

    1. Whew, that's a relief! I was worried that I was no longer in the circle of trust...



  9. Matt's Post on FB

    So we stay in a hotel so I can get an early start in the morning without having a drive to get to my exam. So at 11:15 were hear some guy screaming. I go to check and there is some guy coming out from the room across the hall bleeding and not wearing any pants. I call the front desk. They say they will send someone. Several minutes later the guy is still screaming and going up and down the hall. I call the front desk again. "My colleague isn't up there yet? (Uh, no.) Several minutes later the guy is still out there. He says he wants some water. I give him a bottle but he ignores it. He wants to come into our room. (No way). I call the front desk again. Still nobody comes. Several minutes later Fay calls. After she tells them (again) what is going on they tell her to get off the line so they can call an ambulance. Several minutes later STILL nothing. We call 911. Finally that gets the RCMP there. Normally it would seems that the police would say they already had a call and that officers were responding. No, it sounds like this is the first they heard of it. After I give the information the 911 operator tells me I can get off the line. "We have cars... we have LOTS of cars there." So much for a restful night's sleep.

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    Laura Lee Gates, Noah Gates and 3 others like this..

    Mary A Talbott-Lobsinger Well, other than that first lady did you like the play???? HAHAHAHA WOW!!!!!!

    14 hours ago · Like · 1..

    Dave Hoen A man exiting a hotel room bleeding, without pants, is never good...

    14 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3..

    Susan Willey-pearmain Sorry Matt. Hope u got some sleep.

    13 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1..

    David Savage I bet your adrenaline is still going strong, may take an hour for it to wear off. Best wishes for your doing well on the exam.

    13 hours ago · Like · 1..

    Matt Meaney At this point I would have a hard time with the question: "Name____________."

    9 hours ago · Like · 1..

    Kishore Mirchandani Yep Welcome To The R World ha ?

    9 hours ago · Like · 1..

    Laura Lee Gates Noah and I are sending all of our prayers and good thoughts your way Matt.

    7 hours ago · Like · 1..

    Fay Greenwood HOME! Yay, I feel like I just lived through a 24 hour soap opera. Except soap operas don't usually star bleeding p*nis man screaming at your hotel door.

    3 hours ago · Like · 1..

    Laura Lee Gates I'm so glad your ordeal is over! lol

    3 hours ago · Like · 1..

    Matt Meaney Now just the two-month wait for the results. It could go either way.

    2 hours ago · Like..

    Fay Greenwood Me too Laura. I complained to the hotel manager when we checked out. He (and rightfully so) gave us a discount on the room charge.

    2 hours ago · Like · 1..

    Laura Lee Gates After all that, it's the least he could do! lol

    2 hours ago · Like..

    Fay Greenwood Oh did I mention that when the detective was interviewing us the door to the guys room was wide open (a uniformed officer was taking photo's etc. in there) and there was a HUGE bloodstain on the carpet...

    2 hours ago · Like..

    Matt Meaney Don't forget the blood-stained towels....

    2 hours ago · Like..

    Laura Lee Gates Was there a crime or did he cut himself?

    2 hours ago · Like..

    Fay Greenwood We weren't able to find out. When he first started yelling in distress he kept repeating "somebody hurt me" but we never saw anyone else. When the police came we could hear the officer saying "what's in your hand' "put it down" etc.

    2 hours ago · Like · 1

    1. Sounds like a do it yourself adult circumcision gone horribly, horribly wrong.

      You really shouldn't do those drunk. Problem is, you can only do those drunk. Paradox.

    2. Oh, crap. Reality is getting harder and harder to parody.

      I google the exact phrase "do it yourself circumcision" and Google comes back with:

      About 35,400 results (0.24 seconds)

      And yes, there are images.

    3. Or maybe he was copycatting:

      Can somebody remind me how to link in a comment please and thank you.

    4. Fay, as an example, for the link you posted, cut past this exactly:

      <a href="">omg. wtf.</a>

    5. Okay, thanks. I'll try and remember that!

    6. Hah! thanks for the "Test" link, Fay!

      As the son of a German mother I can attest to the cultural phenomenon described.

      When the whole "blogging in pajamas" meme started years ago, I thought... Who wears pajamas? Overdress, much? Sheesh...


    7. OMG, Fay!

      Well, I guess it's a bit of a risk staying in the Overlook Hotel...

    8. Lol florrie, I loooooooved that movie. Scared the you know what out of me but still...Stephen King is the King of scary.

    9. REDRUM:


    10. Umm, not the movie, the situation at your hotel. The movie was more 'meh' than scary, for me.

  10. I don't think I will ever get the sight of his bloody red p*nis jiggling up an down OUT OF MY HEAD. It was like being inside Salvadore Dali's brain.

    1. What has been seen, cannot be unseen.


    2. I'm not sure if thank you is the expression I want to convey lewy. LOL.

    3. lewy, ROFLMAO!!! Poor Angela! But I'm so happy that she won in a landslide.

    4. Whaaaaat????? Fay, I've seen that movie at least half a dozen times and I don't remember that part at all?!? Bloody dangly bits, huh???

      I was just referencing that movie yesterday at a family gathering..."Hello? Anybody there? Hello? Anybody there?"

      That movie STILL scares me as well, Fay. The part when she reads what he has typed for his novel still gives me the creeps! Brrrr!

    5. LOL florrie, I think there is a bit of confusion here. The bloody dangly bits belonged to the guy at the hotel and were not a part of the move LOL.

    6. That makes sense, then. King's books scare the heck out of me, I have never read "The Shining".

  11. And he was definitely drunk or stoned or both.

  12. That would have totally freaked me out! I wouldn't even have wanted Tom to open the door, yikes!

    1. Well I didn't want Matt to open the door either but the guy was in so much distress we had to find out what was going on. Matt was very concerned about him.

  13. I apologize for missing the good wishes to Matt part. I've been so busy tied up with Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and now Sukkot, I've barely had time to look up between marathon cooking (and eating!) sessions.

    Brilliant card Lady Red. I LOLed at "my" choice of card. :D. The Hebrew-looking characters spelling out the English name of the band spell "Meshugga" which means "Crazy". I suppose that's a pretty accurate description of this place. :))

    Talking of crazy - Fay and Matt - OMG! Your "bleeding Hotel" story is hilarious and terrifying all at once. I hope Matt managed to get those images out of his head at least for the duration of the exam!

  14. Thank you, Annie. Hope Rosh Hashanah was great for you.

    It was the lack of sleep that caused me more problem than the image of the guy. Just one of those weird things that happens from time to time. Notice how stuff always happens on those rare nights you fall right to sleep rather than toss and turn until two minutes before the alarm goes off?
