Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday Night Music

I just discovered Grace (we are a bit slow up here in the GWN). I adooooooore this song. It's one of those I want to listen to again and again.

Hope all my American friends had a great Thanksgiving!

Did anyone FedEx me a turkey sandwich yet???


  1. Sammy is on the way! Turkey, mayo, salt, pepper, hunks of cranberry sauce, and dressing..all piled on fresh whole wheat. Enjoy!

    We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Fay. Our kids spent the night, and we laughed and talked and listened to music until 3 am (which is usually about the time I get up).

    I'm almost recovered...

    1. Sounds lovely lr, glad you were able to spend time with the family.

      Sammy sounds delish too :)
