Saturday, November 24, 2012

"Nobody Knows The Truffles I've Seen"*

*Hat tip: Small Dead Animals

A truly hilarious article from David Thompson, On Fungal Matters, be sure to read the comments.


  1. I can imagine Jay-Z sitting in a hot tub with a big bong and Beyonce sucking his toes and reading that stupid Guardian article and laughing so hard he damn near effing drowns.

  2. Amazing. A black rapper acting white. Who knew?

  3. Great find Fay! I especially loved the comments. :)

  4. Next week in the Guardian:

    Timberlake or Bieber -which Justin is more radical?

    Yes, nice find, Fay. LMAO!!!

  5. BTW, I just finished The Night Circus (because it's due back at the library tomorrow). I didn't want it to end, I LOVED it. Thank you so much for the recommendation, lewy. Anyone who likes whimsical books, this one is for you. I was so impressed by the great writing from the young author, I believe this was her first book...

    1. I had to wait 5 or 6 weeks to get a copy from our library. Ended up reading about four pages. Could not connect with that book at all.

      Vive la difference.

    2. Oh no! I was *sure* that you and lady red would love it.

      Wrong again, heh heh.

      Yes, to each his own. I can't believe Tom doesn't like broccoli, cauliflower and especially mac n' cheese.


    3. I'm betting there will be a movie.

      In the meantime Erin posts pictures of her kittens.

    4. It would be tough to replicate the circus but I think it would make a wonderful movie as well, lewy.

    5. It would be tough to replicate the circus

      That's what computers are for!

  6. I will probably end up buying it as I know I will want to read it again.
