Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving and American Exceptionalism

I ran across this awesome post by a blogger I follow, Bruce Krasting.

 It starts out conventionally enough...
Enough negative monetary analysis and deep thoughts on crappy markets. I just want to wish my US readers a happy holiday. 
Then Bruce lays on a fabulous bit of American exuberance:
For those of you who are outside the country, who wonder why 300m people stuff themselves with dry turkey and canned gravy, well the hell with you.
I hope our foreign readers accept this with the good humor and light heartedness with which it is intended. It's been a tough year and Americans are pretty much done explaining themselves and their traditions.

Do read Bruce's whole story - it's hilarious in a terrifying way (like most of life).

Cheers, and have a happy and safe Thanksgiving everyone!


  1. Well, I hope everyone has a happy (and Safe!) Thanksgiving Day.

    I will be going to my mother's house, where everyone else is doing the cooking.

    But I will still make two variations of Lyana's grandmothers baked corn recipe to take along, one with sugar and heavy cream for them and one with bacon, garlic and buttermilk for me.

  2. Bruce's post is hilarious! Thanks for the belly-laugh this morning DWT!

    I've got pies out of the oven, and turkey in. Our home smells divine! This year, I stuffed a 22 pound butterball with onions, a bit of garlic, seasoned salt, and black pepper. I'll make the dressing and sweet potatoes later, to pop in the oven with the dinner rolls when the turkey comes out. Also mashies, gravy, fruit salad, corn, green beans, and cranberry sauce.

    Apple crumb pie and of course pumpkin pie, with heavy cream whipped with sugar and a dollop of real vanilla, should finish us off nicely.

    Our kids are staying the night tonight, so there will be ample music and laughter later.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Your friendship is one of our sweetest and most cherished blessings!

  3. Lady Red - you have given me credit for anothers discovery.

    So let me pass it on to Lewy, it was the sort of thing both frightening and funny.

    Frightening as it happens, then funny in the retelling.

  4. Oh for heaven's sake! I'm sorry lewy...thanks for the link!

  5. On deep frying turkey: WHY? :D

    Jury rig a high volume pot full of boiling oil over a propane burner hooked to a propane jug with easily damaged hose...add one not quite defrosted turkey...Ka-Boom!

    I repeat: WHY?

    1. "I repeat: WHY?"

      Because it is GoooooooD!

      As long as you don't do anything foolish, and make sure your turkey is thawed with no excess noisture, it is no more dangerous that deep-frying anything else.

      But do keep it away from flammable structures.

    2. As long as you don't do anything foolish,...

      Yeah, like setting up 12 quarts or more of boiling oil over an open flame propane burner, fed by a flimsy hose from a propane jug, possibly a "rental" jug, near-by? :D

      I wanna be an Airborne Ranger, I wanna live a life of danger...yee hah!! :-)

  6. Oh my gosh, is that a true story?!? I'll take your work for the deep-fried turkey being good but my turkeys are always delish, I'd never fry one, lol! Having had a restaurant, I'm very leery of deep fat friers and give them a lot of respect.

    We just finished our turkey dinner, we stayed home this year as we just didn't feel like driving a 6 hr. round trip to my brother's place. But we will all get together for Christmas. We're fortunate to all live in W. WA.

    I made a pumpkin pie last night, we'll have that in a couple hours. Life is good! I'm so thankful for all of you, God bless!

  7. Oh, I forgot I wanted to say thanks to lewy for this story :-)
