Saturday, November 9, 2013

An Open Letter To Mitch McConnell

Oh, Mitch Mitch just HAD to go there, didn't you?

While I know that reading things is not your strong suit *cough* healthcare bill *cough*, perhaps you'll indulge me if I keep it short and to the point.

You said:
 "The most important election yesterday wasn't the governor of New Jersey and it wasn't the governor of Virginia, it was the special election for Congress in South Alabama, where a candidate who said the shutdown was a great idea, the president was born in Kenya, and that he opposed Speaker Boehner came in second." The victory of a more electable Republican, is significant, Mr. McConnell says. To govern, parties must win. To win, parties must "run candidates that don't scare the general public, [and] convey the impression that we could actually be responsible for governing, you can trust us—we're adults here, we're grown-ups." 

We DON'T trust you. You and your cohorts do not behave like adults, you behave like spoiled children in a candy store. The candidate from Alabama is unelectable because he questions the president's birthplace and opposes the sniffling, weak-spined Boehner?  But yet left wing extremists are elected wholesale, people who believe that islands will tip over if there are too many people on them, people who are so overtly racist against white people that they tremble with hatred, people who blatantly lie through their teeth, people who are crooks and cheats, people who refuse to produce a college transcript, people who have never had a real job or managed anything more complex than their checkbook. Perhaps you could try throwing rocks at THEM instead of some guy from Alabama I've never heard of and can't find with a google search. The general public is indeed scared. They're scared of inept bureaucrats like you, Mitch, and they're angry that you refuse to represent them or even hear their concerns. Damn angry.

You said, when asked if the GOP is in a civil war:

 "No, I don't think so." Everyone agrees on the central issue: "We would all love to get rid of ObamaCare. If we had the votes to do it we'd do it in a heartbeat. It's the single worst piece of legislation that's been passed in modern times."
On the homefront, there is no civil war. We have abandoned your party, Mitch. In droves. Hundreds of thousands of us, MILLIONS of us. Some of our young guns in Washington think that they can wrestle power away from you long-term geriatric leviathans. I'm not sure that qualifies as a "civil war". It's more like a good old-fashioned house cleaning. You, sir, are simply a dust bunny that will be swept out with the rest of fluff.

You said:

 "The tea party... consists of "people who are angry and upset at government—and I agree with them." But "I think, honestly, many of them have been misled. . . . They've been told the reason we can't get to better outcomes than we've gotten is not because the Democrats control the Senate and the White House but because Republicans have been insufficiently feisty. Well, that's just not true, and I think that the folks that I have difficulty with are the leaders of some of these groups who basically mislead them for profit. . . . They raise money . . . take their cut and spend it" on political action that hurts Republicans.

You agree with us, but we have been misled. More Washington gobbledegook and double-speak.  We have not been misled. We are not ignoramuses hanging on every word Limbaugh or Beck utter, or captivated by DeMint's PAC . We Tea Partiers, as a whole, are smart, savvy, and know our history and our constitution. When you flip us the bird by calling us stupid or not able to think for ourselves, it just strengthens our belief that you have to go, Mitch. Go back to Kentucky and live in this gawd awful mess you've created. Do you realize how patronizing you sound when you say things like  "because Republicans have been insufficiently feisty". Feisty? You rolled over and played dead, Mitch. We didn't expect you to be more feisty, we wanted you to FIGHT, to get mad, to yell the alarm from the rooftops, to stand against the giant blob that is Washington progressive politics and say NO. And as for radio and TV commentators making a profit? It's a business. We're capitalists. We BELIEVE that excellence should be rewarded with profit. Remember capitalism, Mitch? You, on the other hand, are making a profit as a public servant. How does that happen? Why are you making so much money? You're SUPPOSED to be representing us. Who's paying you, besides the padded paycheck you've wrestled from the public coffers? Tsk tsk. I don't think you want to open that can of worms.

I won't address anything else you said in your interview with Peggy Noonan. You've lost your credibility with me. That cocky smirk may be wiped off your face when you run for your upteenth term; people like me, who don't even live in your state, WILL support your opponent. And we WILL contribute to Jim DeMint's Senate Conservatives Fund that is targeting you for your malfeasance.

You, Mitch McConnell, are a big chunk of the problem. You have to go.


  1. Ptooey.

    I know I said I was burned out on politics, but when I sat down to write a post about something else, this is what my fingers keyed.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Dances. I'm very aggravated these days. McConnell truly believes that WE don't get it. He's so far removed from ordinary Americans that he might as well be living on Mars.

    2. It will be interesting to see how / if the junior senator from Kentucky responds...

  3. Wow, them's fighting words Ms ladyred!

    1. Yes. Yes they are. I'm well and truly fed up with the utter absurdity that poses as a government. Does it show? :D

  4. "He's so far removed from ordinary Americans that he might as well be living on Mars."

    That is exactly the problem. He is, emotionally, no longer in the US. The Federal government has as little in common with the US as it would if we were still governed from London.

    They have their own culture, the agenda of which is set and controlled by the professional bureaucrats, lobbyists, the media and various NGO's like the Southern Poverty Lie Center.

    Few people can go through life vilified, or at least snubbed, by those around them. How much easier it is to give up your own ideas and beliefs so that you can have friends, and get invited to the 'good' parties.

    1. You've nailed it DWT. The DO have their own culture.

      Have you heard anything from Warrior today? The Philippines got clobbered by that storm, and she's been on my mind.

    2. Dances, yes - I was wondering the same thing (how Warrior might be fairing.)

  5. Warrior lives very near Manila, and the storm was centered nearly 200 miles south of her.

    Her sister and niece's who live on the island of Leyte, in the city of Ormoc, where the storm did the greatest damage, had a great deal of damage, including one of their homes completely destroyed.

    The worst was her sister's Mother-In-Law, who was in hospital, on oxygen, when the storm hit and the power went out. Apparently, the hospital was destroyed, so no-one was able to check on her, or get an oxygen bottle into the room, and she died

    Warrior is collecting some of her old clothing, as well as food, to be sent to her sister & niece's through her church.

    1. Thank you for the update DWT. It's a horrible disaster. :(

  6. Realized that my explanation was poor, above. The City of Tacloban was the hardest hit, as you've seen on the news. Ormoc is another city on Leyte island. I meant to say that Leyte, not Ormoc was the area of greatest destruction

  7. Bernie Goldberg throwing rocks at the Tea Party.

    Rigid Tea Party ideologues are the true RINOs? Huh? Does Goldberg really believe this, or is he just stirring the pot for ratings?

    All the TPers I know stuck a clothespin on their nose and voted for Romney, the same clothespin they used to vote for McCain, and the same clothespin they might have to wear when they reluctantly vote for Christy.

    Hatin' on the TPers just makes us angry. If you aggravate a rattlesnake, it'll bite you. Flak from the right is aggravating.

    1. Oh FFS. I just fired off my comment about TPers and clothespins to Bill O, spelling mistake and all.

      My face is burning and I'm hanging my head in utter embarrassment. I sure hope they don't use my comment, because my name and hometown is on that sucker. I'll be feeling queasy all day until I watch Bill read comments at the end of his show. Urp. Double urp.
