Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Facebook Fumings

This afternoon, I saw three posts in a row on Facebook:

       1. A picture of a field of small American flags with the note “SHARE if you’re proud to Fly the American Flag.”
       2. The Red, White, & Blue/Yellow ribbon that says, “Until they all come home,” with the note “SHARE if you hope for the safe return of the troops!

 3.  A ‘photo’ that says, “Hit “Share if you love your family.”

I have seen FB posts that say that if I do not SHARE a post about my love for Christ then Christ will see that as a sign of my rejection of Him.

I’m sorry, but I somehow doubt the Lord is going to doubt my Love for him simply because I refuse to be coerced into sharing a post on Facebook. I think He expects something a bit more substantial from me than that.

People make posts that say, “I know only about five of you really pay attention to my posts. I just want to see who you are. Type a one word comment below then copy this post to your page and I will type a comment there.”  Let me see now, with all the comments I make on your posts you don’t know that I follow your posts? You need to lay some guilt trip on me so I get involved in a little waste of time game? I read your posts, but sometimes there is no real reason for me to comment. While I might be interested in knowing you bought a 50-pound bag of dog food today, what do you expect me to say about it?

An old high school buddy put it best with this post today:

“For the record, if I don't "like" your post in 2013 it doesn't mean I'm pro cancer, hate kids, etc. Maybe I disagree with your delivery or maybe I have limited Wi-Fi time in the jungle while evading capture. Happy New Year, FB friends!”

If I were not interested in what someone had to say that person would not be a friend on Facebook. I don’t worry about these things. In fact, I get a chuckle out of them.

At least those posts cut down on the “inspirational” emails I used to get.


  1. I remain a proud Facebook refusenik.

  2. I don't have it anymore either but I check things out from my better half's page occasionally. I just didn't like them following me around the internet. Not to mention the reasons Matt listed.

    I mainly had it to keep up with friends from the previous place.

  3. Yeah, I don't like those posts either Matt. I have one person on my "friends" list who slams me with them, a family member...but she's in her seventies, lives in a tiny New Mexico town, and her husband is an OTR trucker (he's in his seventies too!) and is gone much of the time, so I try not to get too irritated with her.

    I enjoy keeping up with my far-flung family and friends, but I'm well aware that if you look up the word "private" in the dictionary or thesaurus, FB would be listed as an antonym.

    I've thought many MANY times of deep-sixing my FB account, but dammit, I LIKE seeing pictures of friends and family, and I enjoy their posts.

    And Matt? If you don't share my comment I'll understand completely. You don't like Jesus, orphaned puppies, or the Pledge of Allegiance. It's okay. Really. Sadly, 7% of people are just like you; they don't support our troops either.


  4. I hang my head in shame. You caught me, Lady Red.

    I have friends with whom I keep in touch on FB as well.
