Thursday, January 3, 2013

No, MA'AM!!

I found this interesting bit on Fox Nation. 

I hope and expect that a lot of former military feel the same.

Now, that led me to This Post on the Free Republic site, that explains in gory detail just exactly why it should government that is disarmed, rather than citizens.

The first is short and inspiring, the second is lengthy and disheartening, but both are equally interesting and valid reads on the state of our constitutional government.

Well, many would say, including me, that the government, not limited to the current administration, has been supra-, if not fully un-, constitional since the days of Franklin Roosevelt, or perhaps going back to Woodrow Wilson, he of the 'flexible' constitution.

Of course, the more radical will count the time of unconstitutional government as starting with Theodore Roosevelt, or even Abraham Lincoln.


  1. I have been very sensitive to this subject lately after witnessing the most disgusting example arrogant ignorance I have ever seen. Apparently, Americans do not care what happens to anyone, "As long as they (Americans) have their guns."

    This individual obviously does not know about the 140 school children in China who have been attacked with knives, cleavers, and hammers from 2010 to 2012. Sure, only 25 of them died. But I guess it is OK because these young children who were stabbed, chopped, and had their bodies caved in did not die -- it does not matter what physical or emotional damage was done to them. Or maybe those attacks were acceptable because they were not done with guns.

    Apparently the ignoramus to whom I referred is not aware that police in the UK are arming themselves like never before to try and combat the gun and violent crime rates that have sky-rocketed since the highly-touted gun ban. I don't suppose he will see the FBI report that says that hammers kill more people in the U.S. every year than do rifles.

    But let us proceed. Let's give complete power to the government. After all, governments only murdered at least two to five times more people in the past 100 years than have citizens. What could go wrong?

    Something must be wrong with me that I do not want to condemn my Grandchildren to a new Dark Age.

  2. I remember what it was like for me as a young east coast liberal to be pretty horrified with the "gun culture".

    The idea of joe and jane average packing heat appalled me.

    The truth is... it still does, to some extent.

    It's just that now, the idea of them _not_ being armed - of _nobody_ (but the "authorities" and the palace guard of the elites) - appalls me a lot _more_.

    And the notion that the government is in any sense competent - either in the "legitimacy" or the "skill" sense of the word "competent" - to "control" guns is ever more risible.

    But personally I need to spend more time at the range - probably a lot more - before I'm going comfortable carrying.

  3. I'd read the first link the other day, and loved it. This morning I read your second link. This really stood out:

    "-We work in law enforcement, City, State and Federal. “We” are deeply among “Them”."

    The Us vs. Them is exactly what it feels like these days.

    1. Lady Red, yeah. Trouble is that the "Them" bought more than 1 billion rounds of ammunition this past summer, on "US's" dime. Mostly handgun, and mostly hollowpoint.

      They claim that all that ammunition is for practice and qualification. . .

  4. Yes, that makes me uneasy too DWT. The explanation that 1 billion rounds of hollow points are to be used for routine range practice doesn't pass the smell test.

  5. One million rounds? Yeah, they need it all for practice. Uh-huh.

    However, that being said, police do need to practice with what they will shoot in the field. Range practice is artificial enough without making it totally useless.

    My guess is that it more to take the rounds off the market than anything else.

    1. Matt, that was Billion. There are some arguing that they've bought 'only' 734,000,000 rounds, but most are adding up DHS, FBI, TSA, SSA(?!?!?!?) and coming up with more than a billion rounds, so far.

      There are also reports out that claim they are now buying huge amounts of .223 and .308 as well.

      Am I becoming a paranoid?
