Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Israel launches Operation Pillar of Cloud against Gaza

After weeks of escalating missiles and rocket fire against Israel's southern communities, the IDF launched Operation Pillar of Cloud (aka Pillar of Defense) against Gaza. It started with the targeted assassination of Hamas's "Chief of Staff" Ahmed Jaabari.

The operation follows four days of escalated rocket attacks from Gaza during which over 150 projectiles were fired at civilian communities in southern Israel. Israeli leaders have made clear in recent days that the country would not tolerate the continued attacks.
The operation began with the assassination of Hamas terror mastermind Ahmed al-Jabari earlier today. A statement from the Shin Bet about the strike said, “Jabari was responsible for financing and directing military operations and attacks against Israel. His elimination today is a message to Hamas officials in Gaza that if they continue promoting terrorism against Israel, they will be hurt.”
IDF Spokesman Yoav Mordechai told the Jerusalem Post that al-Jabari was a man with “a lot of blood on his hands.”
The naming if the operation is drawn from biblical verses in Exodus, that refer to a column of smoke that led and protected the Israelites during their sojourns in the desert .

Watch the official IDF video of the pinpoint assassination of Jaabari:

For more information and links, see the following:

The Muqata has a rolling live-blog (refresh his page to see updates) with very great detail.

Follow the “Life on the Border with Gaza” facebook group for more updates and reports on the reality of living within 15 seconds rocket range of Gaza.

The British Israel Group has the following briefing:

For the third time in a month, the civilians of southern Israel are under rocket attack from the Gaza Strip.
The current attacks began on Saturday night (Nov.10) when an anti-tank missile was fired at an army jeep traveling on the Israeli side of the border fence. Four IDF soldiers were injured. Since then, over 120 rockets have been fired at Israeli civilians.

The lives of 1million Israeli civilians are being threatened and daily life in southern Israel has been totally disrupted.
• The goal of Israel’s operation is clearly defined and is aimed at removing a strategic threat to Israeli citizens. Israel is not interested in a deterioration of the situation.

• Israel has demonstrated great restrain for a long period but cannot stand for the recurring attacks on its citizens. No other state would accept a similar reality.

• Israel is acting in self-defense and out of its duty to protect its civilians from terrorist attacks.

• Hamas rules the Gaza Strip and is responsible for all that occurs in Gaza and all that is launched from there.
 • It must be noted that Israel disengaged completely from the Gaza Strip in 2005. The result of Israel’s disengagement is that Gaza has become a giant ammunition dump. In addition, it provides a breeding ground for terrorist groups to organize and to operate, including groups associated with al-Qaeda and Global Jihad. All this under the rule, responsibility and sponsorship of Hamas.
• Weapons smuggled from Libya, Iran and Sudan accelerated the process of Gaza turning into a terror base. These weapons also increased the danger posed to the Israeli population.

• Hamas and the other terrorist organizations hide among the civilian population of Gaza. They also deliberately direct their fire at the civilian population of Israel. These acts constitute a double war crime.

• The targets of the Israeli operation are all military. Israel will make every effort to prevent harm to the civilian population of Gaza, and regrets any injury to civilians.

• The border crossings from Israel to the Gaza Strip remain open, allowing for the routine passage of goods and humanitarian aid.
• The international community must act to stop the attacks on Israel from the Gaza Strip and should not wait for an Israeli reaction to act. Time and again, Israel has warned that it would not tolerate these attacks.

What has happened today November 14th?

• Following several days of Palestinian rocket fire from Gaza at Israeli towns, on 14 November Israel launched a military operation called ‘Pillar of Cloud,’ beginning with a series of targeted airstrikes against senior militant leaders and weapons facilities in the Gaza Strip. The first targeted was a top Hamas commander Ahmed al-Jabari.

• Other key Hamas militant leaders have also been targeted, reportedly including al-Jabari’s number two, Raed al-Atar, as well as Hamas’s longer range Fajr rockets.

As I wrote on my own blog on this latest operation:

May Hashem bring our enemies down and put them into our hands, may He stand with our soldiers, protect them and bring them home safely, and may the army’s mission to bring peace and quiet to the south be accomplished speedily and securely. Amen.


  1. Annie, one thing in your post that I must disagree with.

    When A known killer is himself justifiably killed, that is not an 'assassination' but an 'execution'.

    1. Not sure about that Dances. An execution implies there was a trial, and here there obviously wasn't. Of course that will get the anti-Israel brigade to claim that this was an "extra-judicial killing" which of course it was. We can't win.

      It's obvious to us at any rate that he deserved execution, but since he was a leader of sorts, assassination probably serves the same purpose.

      Anyway, whichever way we call it, he's dead and it couldn't have happened to a nicer person.

      Here's how Israellycool sees it:



    2. Oops. I hope I didn't blow up the Kitchen! Blame it on the IAF. :))

    3. I think lady red has been having problems with her browser, annie. I saw the comments just fine and had no problem posting.

      Israellycool was right on, sweet justice!

    4. Florrie, I also see DWT's comment after Lady Red's although she answered him first.

      And I'm afraid my picture from Israellycool might be a bit wide for the blog. My apologies.

    5. Personally, I like the IDF termonology best:


    6. That works for me. Or maybe "exterminated,," as is vermin.

    7. I vote for the cold war terminology: "liquidated". Clinical and terrifying at the same time. Nice financial terminology parallel. Makes it sound like like the debtors just called the loans and took possession. Which, in a way, they did.

      BTW, the US can no longer plausibly advance the whole "extrajudicial" crap since we drone-kill more (alleged) terrorists in a month than Israel has liquidated in the last decade.

      About which I have this to say: I wish the US would take the same care and advance justifications as publicly and forcefully as Israel does.

      Israel seems to take this course of action as an exception, not a rule - which, IMHO, is how it ought to be. Ahmed certainly seemed to qualify.

      By now, the US drone program is just another big government program that seems to be on auto-pilot (heh) and one need not be a squishy peacenic to worry about the potential blowback and consequences, moral and geo-political.

  2. I don't know where your comment went Dances. I'm having serious computer issues...trying to sort it out now. I think I have a bug.

  3. I'm glad Israel is responding to these attacks. She knows how to protect her citizens, a capability I'm beginning to question of the US.

    Stay safe, annie!!

    1. Thanks florrie. We're safe enough in the center of the country, especially now the IAF has blown up about 20 long-range missile silos. Those were the ones that could reach the center. It doesn't help the unfortunate southern residents who suffer from short range rockets - which can be assembled in garages and houses, but hopefully the army will finish the job once and for all.

      There was a report on the radio earlier that Dimona (where the nuclear reactor is) was attacked by missiles, or at least the "Colour Red" air raid siren was activated. Our new son-in-law is from Dimona so I phoned him to ask how his family is. He called them up immediately and rang back to inform me that the news item was wrong thank goodness.

      Never a dull moment here. I'm stuck watching the news and it's gone 2 a.m. I must get to bed. Hope I can sleep.

      Layla tov everyone. Thank you for your support.

  4. Well, there it is. Maybe I'm prescient. Hah!

  5. Israel has my support. It is sickening that Israel can be pounded by hundred of rockets against civilian areas and no one says a thing. Israel takes out one of the masterminds behind the rocket attacks then the condemnations come -- against the real victim hear. Blame the victim for being bullied -- if only he did have that lunch money none of this would have happened.

  6. Make that "here," not hear. I know better than that.

  7. I've been thinking about you ever since I saw this news earlier today annie. Glad to hear you and yours are safe, make sure you stay that way.

    Yeah for Israel, good job.

  8. img:""

    O Canada:

    November 14, 2012 - Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird today issued the following statement:

    “We fundamentally believe that Israel has the right to defend itself and its citizens from terrorist threats.

    “Far too often, the Jewish people find themselves on the front lines in the struggle against terrorism, the great struggle of our generation. Just last weekend, more than 100 rockets rained down on civilians in southern Israel from positions in the Gaza Strip.

    “Canada condemns the terrorist group Hamas and stands with Israel as it deals with regional threats to peace and security.”

    We love you Israel.

    1. And Israel loves Canada. I wish you guys were the world's sole super-power. Life would be so much easier. Sigh...

  9. Thinking ahead a few moves... all I have to say is: I hope the IDF has a plan to retake the Sinai... because it looks like that may be necessary...

    1. From your link:

      "The rockets fell near an Israeli village on the southern border, causing some damage, but no injuries."
      That Israeli village is wehre my daughter-in-law's uncle lives. They were evacuated (aka expelled) from their Gaza settlement after the "Disengagement" in 2005 and restarted their lives in this little village. So now they're under fire again.
