Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dana Milbank: Painting With The Big, Drippy Brush of Liberal Hate

This opinion piece caught my eye this morning as I was slurping coffee and doing my morning "news" crawl. The volcano of hate and the constant fragmentation of our nation's populace spews unabated since the election. It's what they do. Divide and conquer.

Red states receive, on average, far more from the federal government in expenditures than they pay in taxes. The balance is the opposite in blue states. The secession petitions, therefore, give the opportunity to create what would be, in a fiscal sense, a far more perfect union.
Personally, I think the whole idea of "seceding"  is simply an expression of frustration from people who do not feel that this government represents them. They're right. It doesn't. Seceding is not the answer though (in my most humble opinion); it feels too much like running away instead of fighting. Plus, at this stage of the game, I sure wouldn't want this gov't to have my name and personal information on a succession petition, would you? Fear of the government for voicing an opinion is not something Americans are accustomed to, but hey, welcome to the Brave New World, Obama-style.

I wonder what Milbank's numbers would look like if he (or someone more interested in facts and less interested in creating hate and dissension) factored in the circular dollar: federal workers who pay their taxes only to have that tax money returned directly to them as income. Or union workers who pay their taxes only to have that money returned to them as wages in the form of federal contracts, and federal subsidies for their pensions. Or the millions of people who pay taxes in their home state while of working age, then skedaddle for the southern climes, where their retirement income will stretch (and to where their social security and medicare benefits are issued).

These are just a few obvious flaws with his thinking. I'm sure there are many more, but flaws and facts don't matter anymore. Bow to your overlords, you lowly, tax-sucking worms! Hah!

1 comment:

  1. The "secession petitions" are a big fat load of FAIL. You don't ask permission to secede; you just do it.

    Of course, once you do, you need to be prepared if your former government wants to take you back by force...
