Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Now, That is a Bad Omen

The Fifth Republic installed the Socialist Francois Hollande into its Presidency, with all the pomp and ceremony the occassion calls for.  Hollande had made it clear that the absolute first thing he would do upon taking office was fly to speak with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to discuss Hollande's demand that the European financial pact be significantly revised. 

True to his word, the President took to the skies for Berlin mere moments after the inauguration ceremony.  Le Figaro tells us what happened next.

L'appareil du chef de l'État, qui se rendait à Berlin pour une rencontre avec Angela Merkel, a été contraint de faire demi-tour à cause des intempéries.

Aussi incroyable que cela puisse paraître, l'avion qui transportait François Hollande à destination de Berlin a été touché mardi soir par la foudre, quelques minutes après avoir quitté la base aérienne de Villacoublay, dans les Yvelines.

(The private plane of the head of state, who was traveling to Berlin for a meeting with Angela Merkel, was forced to turn back because of bad weather.

(Incredible as it may seem, the plane carrying Francois Hollande to Berlin was hit by lightning Tuesday night, minutes after leaving the air base of Villacoublay, near Paris.)
Now, THAT is a bad omen. 


  1. The French will get the gov't they voted for, and the gov't they deserve. This time, I hope and pray we don't come to their rescue when everything falls apart...we have enough problems of our own.

    The Greeks are in dire straights. I don't blame people for pulling their money out of the banks, but it will just hasten the downfall. Greece must be a very scary place to live right now...a bleak foreshadowing of what will happen here if the JEM is reelected.
