Thursday, May 17, 2012

Reason Number 989,998 Why The UN is Irrelevant

And preposterous, and specious, and nugatory.
Olivier De Schutter, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, came to Canada at the behest of the various despots and potentates who make up the UN Human Rights Council, in order to point out what he called “unacceptable” rates of food insecurity in this country.
His solution is to increase social assistance and minimum wage in line with the cost of living. Taxes would be imposed on fatty foods and soft drinks; land zone policy would be amended to bring fresh food outlets to “food deserts”; food subsidization programs for remote regions should be enriched, as should support for First Nations trying to access “traditional foods.”
Needless to say, the Harper government was none too thrilled at being lectured by one of their least favourite organizations. Jason Kenney, the Immigration Minister, called Mr. De Schutter’s visit “completely ridiculous” and said he should focus on countries with widespread hunger issues. “It’s not an intelligent use of resources,” he said.
Read it all, it's delicious.


  1. From another article in the Post:

    "In a hard-hitting interview this week with Postmedia News, Olivier De Schutter also blasted Canada for its “appallingly poor” record of taking recommendations from UN human-rights bodies seriously."

    Bwahaha, I love CANADA! Does he really expect a civilized democratic society to take seriously recommendations from a body that includes Angola, China, Cuba and Saudi Arabia?

    Really, seriously?

    1. Yes. Really. Seriously. Did anyone expect any different from the UN? Just take a look at how they treat Israel and all will become clear.

      The problem with the UN is that they know they do not dare to criticise or condemn totalitarian regimes, despots and dictatorships because their "peace-keepers", "rapporteurs" and other do-gooders will bear the brunt of the reaction. So in order to justify their existence, the UN turns its attention to those they know will not take violent exception to its pronouncements. Hence its attacks on Israel, Canada, etc.

      Dances has the best suggestion below, to set up an organization of democratic enlightened countries but I fear that will never happen.

  2. Sorry, Minister Kenney, but I would think that you should have known long before now that there is absolutely nothing that the UN does which IS ". . .an intelligent use of resources."

    Which is why I will say once again that the need for a League Of Democratic Nations remains very high. Forget Angola, China, Cuba and Saudi Arabia, any nation that does not engage in regular, free &fair elections will not be eligible for membership, period.

  3. Maybe the reason the Obama Administration wants to extent unemployment benefits is because they know their friends at the UN will soon be out of work.

    We can only hope.

  4. " subsidization programs for remote regions should be enriched, as should support for First Nations trying to access “traditional foods.”"

    This is hilarious! Does he even have clue one exactly what "First Nations" "traditional foods" are? I think not.

    Salmon - depleted stocks of wild salmon, bad bad bad to fish for salmon (oops only if you're white that is). Okay we'll grow salmon in fish farms, that'll solve the shortage...erm no, big campaign against farmed salmon. Political crap I don't have the time or inclination to explain. Earl can probably fill us in.

    Whale - people EAT whales? What about Free Willy, did someone tell him he's destined to be lunch meat? Oh wait, the UN says it's okay if it's a First Nations "traditional food".

    Seal - whoa! You club baby seals and then eat them? What are you, a freaking psycho??? Oops sorry, no you're not. Just another random "First Nationer" strolling the streets of downtown Toronto wondering how you can get your club on some "traditional food."

    Hmm, I wonder why "The soft bigotry of lowered expectations" keeps running through my mind.

    1. Fay, I giggled when I read this. But it was a very wry giggle. Moving a little south and relying on "traditional" foods... I hardly think the addition of pemmican into the average Canadian diet will do anything good for obesity rates. Nasty stuff.

      When I was on my Native American kick, my Pop made me eat some. Lord knows where he got it. Anyway, *vomit*

      Pop was a brilliant man, really.

  5. wwwrrflls mmrrrfffffuffffnnn aaahhhhfffffhhhlllll dhhhsshhhbbbgggz!

    (lewy swearing at the UN special Rapporteur with his mouth full of local, sustainable jelly donut.

  6. Unbelievable! Orwell must be laughing his arse off.

  7. as should support for First Nations trying to access “traditional foods.”

    That's PC-speak for whale hunting. If they want to get on my last nerve, they will sanction whale hunting. Grrrr.

    1. Matt and I remember, as do you, when the whale hunt was allowed in @WA in 1999 and the tribe used the traditional whale hunting methods of shooting the whale after they had used traditional speed boats and other "traditional" means to corral the whale.


    2. Tom and I went to a community meeting on the matter before the tribe staged the first hunt. There was an elder who ended up being shunned by the tribe because she said they didn't want the whale meat for consumption (as claimed before the court) but to sell to the Asian market. She was one brave woman. Sadly, the Macaw hunt went on.

    3. I guess my point is that all this native tradition is just bull.

      I heard recently that some tribe back east is being allowed to kill eagles - EAGLES FFS! - to use the feathers in some "traditional" way.

      I'm going to stop now before I make myself really agitated.

  8. I was feeling pretty hostile after reading this article so I had to watch some Maru box slides.

    1. Maru is magnificent! Beautiful, brainy and funny!

  9. This, from a UN muppet sucking well of the public teat and hailing from a non-existent "country". Spit. I'd love to review his restaurant tabs whilst in Canada... Sooo-eeeeeee!

    /Just watch Nigel Farage (PBUH) of the UKIP in Strasbourg ripping into another "Belgian", a muppet called Rompers. Farage "gets" Belgium and the entire EU/UN/NGO morass. de Shutter da Shooter is just another parasite in this mold.

    1. Farage is brilliant, I had forgotten about him.

      Belgium: A non-existent "country", Jordan may have to have words with you about that Mister...


  10. Hillel Neuer of UN Watch has written an excellent article in the National Post: As much of the world starves a UN hunger expert investigates Canada.

    He also wrote a hard-hitting article on UN Watch's own blog: Even the UN itself thinks its 'hunger expert' is a fraud.

    Both articles are well worth a read.

  11. @ annie

    Thx. for the links. Utterly vomitous. And utterly Shutter and his shitty little country are both utterly irrelevant and discredited.
