Thursday, September 16, 2010

Mikey Moore - You don't Hate Me Enough!

Moore, with his typical lack of sanity, proposes that the Ground Zero mosque site be moved, into the actual site of the WTC.

Thus proving, once again, that he has nothing to add to any rational debate.

Also, something I'd never seen before, a map, showing the locations of human remains found at Ground Zero.

The most distant was more than 1300 feet from the towers.

And, while we are at it, here is a much more realistic description of what is planned to be built at the Park 51 site.


  1. Like he really expects to survive long should any totalitarian regime take over. Useful idiots are only useful when the tyrants are fighting to gain power. Once they have it, the tyrants are toast.

    What a disgusting moron.

  2. DWT, the article about the Park51 project is chilling. It's easy to understand why so many "country class" Americans are voicing suspicion.

    Michael Moore is simply an idiot; there nothing useful about him at all.
