Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?

It's Allah time!
The aim to compete with GMT was summarized by Mohammed al-Arkubi, manager of a hotel in the complex.

"Putting Mecca time in the face of Greenwich Mean Time," he said. "This is the goal."

Um yeah, good luck with that.

Greenwich is where Matt and I met up with Mauro and his wifey when we were in London last year innit.


  1. Just another way of saying, "Hey, look at us! See, we are the center of everything."

  2. These people won't be satisfied until they rule the very air we breathe. They're beyond ridiculous.

  3. Amazing isn't it? They blow all that money on a clock but don't feature anywhere in a line up of who gave most to Pakistan. So much for the ummah eh? God I hate the Saudis.

  4. Yes Alison, it is truly amazing. Leaving aside all the "Western" countries aid, The UK and US alone account for over 42.5% of the funds commited. On the chart I looked at, only three Muslim donors made it into the top 100:

    -The Red Crescent/Red Cross at 1,409,117
    -The UAE at 1,519,482 and
    -Kuwait at 5,000,000

    A whopping total of 6.12% of the total pledged so far. And that includes the Red Cross amount which is buried in with the Red Crescent amount.

    Why do we do this?


  5. "Why do we do this?


    We're stupid? We're suicidal?
