Thursday, August 12, 2010

Commander-In-Chief Greets Returning Military Personnel

Do you miss him yet?


  1. Did you read some of the comments? He is "simple minded?" Yeah, he only got better grades at "major" universities than just about any Democrat you can name. He "mired the country in the worst economic conditions since the depression?" What is that guy smoking?

  2. "What is that guy smoking?"

    It's called media mash. A combination of arrogance, disinformation, leftist ideology and fantasy that leads to an inability to recognize reality on the part of the user.

    It can be used rolled in newspaper or injected directly into the thoughtstream via the ether.

    In the final stages, the addiction is called 'mainstreaming' wherein the addicts believe that they are receiving revealed truth via those various media, despite the constant revelation of facts to the contrary.

    So, warn your friends, parents and children!

    Remember, if you don't talk to them about media mash, who will?
