Friday, July 2, 2010

UK Methodist Church Votes to Boycott Israel…

I want to state quite clearly that there is no hint of antisemitism in what we have said or what we intend...

The Methodist action reflects a tactic urged last year by Palestinian churches, which denounced Israel’s occupation as “a sin against God and humanity”.



  1. UK Methodist Church: "The fact that Israel exists is a 'a sin against God and humanity.'"

    Why else would they side with a group that urges its children to aspire to be suicide murderers?

  2. And they call themselves a "church"?

    Disgusting is the right word. Usually I can't even read about these idiotic anti-semites but I did tonight.

    Not only are they anti-semites but they are also ignorant. Of course, THIS didn't surprise me.

    An internal church memo shows that the Methodist Church had rejected calls for a more “balanced” working party, whose members included Stephen Leah, the chairman of the York branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

    Wake up, England, before it's too late and you're all dhimmis.

  3. The future King Charles is already a dhimmi of the first order. And a moron as well.

  4. They're quivering cowards. They think if they appease the monster, it won't gobble them up.

    Seventy years ago, this same ilk was licking the boots of the Third Reich.

  5. Ah... the Palis - whose "reasonable" group, Fatah, had this guy ( one of their leading figures.

    Why yes - I'd side with them over Israel any day!

