Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Weekend President

Why would Obama announce a commitment to solar energy companies on a Saturday, and on the Forth of July holiday weekend to boot?  Why, indeed.  His administration is shoveling two billion dollars to only two companies;  Abengoa Solar and Abound Solar Manufacturing.  Two.  Billion.  Dollars.  He's hoping that you're too busy grilling ribs and corn to notice.

Abound Solar will be manufacturing solar panels in Colorado and Indiana.  Only one tiny little problem; they're a relatively new company and have mainly focused on research.  Abound has only managed a full-scale production line for less than a year.  Sweet!  My alarm bells are clanging, and a little voice is whispering "follow the money".

Abengoa Solar was chosen by the Obama administration to toodle down to Arizona (gasp!) and build one of the largest solar plants in the world.  It's an ambitious project that, if completed, will provide energy to only 70,000 homes.  Quite a price tag, don't you think?  There are several tiny little problems. Abengoa is a Spanish company, not American.  What's up with that?  Their specialty is the generation and management of water, although they have been dabbling in research and development of concentrated solar power.  It's interesting that while we're giving them a cool billion to contruct a plant in Arizona, they are simultaneously building the exact same thing in Abu Dhabi.

Okay, now my alarm bells are deafening.


  1. "they're a relatively new company and have mainly focused on research."

    In other words, they talk big but have delivered little. Reminds me of a current President of the United States who shall remain anonymous.

    And he is lining the pockets of his friends -- just like they accused W of doing.

  2. Matt, exactly. The new CEO of Abound is an old General Electric guy. Imagine that!

  3. I wonder if Abengoa is the Spanish solar panel company I noted here a couple of months ago, when Barry brought up once again how new, 'green' jobs were going to bring back our economy, that required an approximate $700,000 government subsidy for each worker on the payroll?

    That does rather sound like something Obama would approve of.

  4. Hmm - just noticed:

    "Abengoa Solar has agreed to build what the administration says will be one of the largest solar plants in the world in ARIZONA. It will be capable of providing clean energy to 70,000 homes."

    I wonder if the plant is being built within the government-decreed 'no-go' zones, there?

    "The Obama administration estimates the Arizona plant will create about 1,600 construction jobs, with more than 70 percent of the construction components and products used to build it manufactured in America."

    I also wonder if 70 percent of the jobs will be set aside for actual Americans, or at least legal immigrants. If this IS the same company whose subsidy has been such a big part of the mounting debt of Spain, it would be nice to think that we tax-payer's grandchildren will not be paynig subsidies for illegal workers.
