Monday, January 25, 2010

Adding new "Recent Comments" feature

Cross fingers and step away from the template. Thanks!

UPDATE: Looks like it works.
UPDATE2: Sadly not for IE, apparently. Firefox and Safari are OK. IE users can still use the raw comment feed in a different window / tab. Stay tuned.


  1. Alright then. It looks like it works. Further tweaks will be graciously entertained.

  2. Hey, it does work!
    Well how cool is that! :OD
    Good work Vikram :OP

  3. Sorry, but I see nothing on IE8. Not even the 'old' recent comments.

  4. Oh dear. Well, I'll take a look when I can get hold of my wife's machine for a bit. I did remove the old "recent comments" widget.

    I'll very likely be able to get it to work, though it may take a day or two.

    I'm surprised it doesn't work on IE8; it should work on 7 and 8 and break on IE6.

  5. Lewy, it works GREAT in Firefox! You're a genius!!

    Sorry for the light posting, folks. Mom was feeling under the weather all day yesterday, and we ended up running her to the ER in the middle of the night. Verdict: pneumonia!

    We came home long enough to catch a couple of hours of shut eye, but now we're headed back to the hospital. She's a feisty and cantankerous ol' gal, so we expect to be bringing her home by tomorrow.

    Having many contributors plus several admins is a blessing. Thanks to everyone for making TCKT the coolest blog on teh intarnetz! I love the fact that we're all building it together. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside...:)

  6. Lady Red, you can blog another day. You need to take care of Mom now.

    Just so you know we are all pulling for her.

  7. lady red, like Matt said. We'll all be here, wishing the best for your mom.

  8. Sorry to hear about your mom, lady red. You take care of her and we'll look after our "baby."

  9. Great job on the comments lewy, looks great in FF.

  10. lady red - All the best to your mom! Good job taking care of her. In my current line of business I see all too many older folks stripped of assets by their family, dumped on Medicaid, and then left alone. It's common and very disturbing.

  11. I hope your mom feels better soon! It must be a great comfort to have you there, lady red. Take care and our best wishes for her speedy recovery.
