Friday, July 8, 2011

For Whom The Bell Tolls

Obama appointee Lisa Jackson, the czar of the Environmental Protection Agency, has snapped her royal fingers and issued a devastating decree which essentially clobbers the coal industry over the head.

Thursday the EPA announced that they have finalized additional Clean Air Act provisions, collectively known as “The Cross-State Air Pollution Rule” to ostensibly “reduce air pollution and attain clean air standards,” by requiring coal companies in 27 states to slash emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide by 73 percent and 54 percent, respectively, from 2005 levels by 2014.

According to the EPA, these emissions travel across state lines and contribute to ozone and fine particle pollution.

The rule will replace a similar 2005 standard called the Clean Air Interstate Rule. EPA claims that the new rule will result in a savings of $120 to $280 billion in annual health and environmental benefits as well as save 13,000 to 34,000 lives

What a load of horse manure. Remember when The One said that energy prices would "necessarily skyrocket"? Jackson is implementing the threat.

An analysis ACCCE released earlier this month by the National Economic Research Associates (NERA) used government data to examine the combined impacts of today’s rule and another EPA electricity regulation, the “Utility MACT” Rule. According to NERA’s examination, the EPA’s actions would cause a net job loss of over 1.4 million job-years by 2020.

Further, NERA found that electricity rates would increase over 23 percent in coal-reliant areas and that though the EPA might claim the regulations will create jobs, NERA predicted that for every job created four will be lost.

Jackson smugly and sweetly explains her decree to us lowly peons:

“No community should have to bear the burden of another community’s polluters, or be powerless to prevent air pollution that leads to asthma, heart attacks and other harmful illnesses. These Clean Air Act safeguards will help protect the health of millions of Americans and save lives by preventing smog and soot pollution from traveling hundreds of miles and contaminating the air they breathe,” Jackson said.

“By maximizing flexibility and leveraging existing technology, the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule will help ensure that American families aren’t suffering the consequences of pollution generated far from home, while allowing states to decide how best to decrease dangerous air pollution in the most cost effective way.”

Awww. Now that you put it THAT way...who wants to see American families suffer? I'm sure that when the new standards are met (or the coal plants shut down) the air will be squeaky clean, and all the peeps will refrain from smoking cigarettes, dope, and crack. The animals will stop shedding dander, and flora will not emit pollen and spores. Obese people with no insurance will push away from the table and begin jogging, and substances like alcohol and heroin will no longer be the scourge of our poor populations. Look!  Unicorns and rainbows are shooting out of Obama's ass!

The reality of this chills me to the bone. Hundreds of thousands of people will be thrown out of work. Millions will not be able to afford to heat their homes in the winter. An entire industry will be brought to its knees.  What then?


  1. Did you see that the unemployment rate is UP for June, to 9.2%? If no one is hiring in June (tourist season, construction season) what will the number look like in January?

    I'm counting the days until the evil unicorn & rainbow crowd is sent packing. There may be some tough(er) times until then.

  2. Maybe the 1.4 million additional unemployed can be promised government jobs by Good King Barack.

    But seriously, all this crap will HAVE to be reversed in 2012. I'm sure the coal industry won't take these fiats laying down.

  3. But but but I thought the reason that temperatures have not gone up in the past ten years is because the Chinese have been burning tons more coal than they used to and that has saved us!

  4. Plea from a Canadian:

    Could you please tell his Obamaship to STFU. Every time he opens his mouth my portfolio declines.

  5. Lisa Jackson, created and mentored clone of Carol Browner, is merely doing the expected. Pigs would have flown if she'd not made this "rule" ... a rule never intended by Congress.

    Mz Browner is the first advocate (until her announcement to resign, a West Wing Czar) for classifying CO2 as a toxic gas under EPA "pollution" rules as they interpret the "Clean Air Act" ... a finding none of the sponsors intended.

    It may a dozen years to undo the damage done (if even possible) by the Jug Eared Messiah's administration.

  6. In Appalachia, (right up through central Pennsylvania)where hundreds of thousands of homes are still heated by coal, and lighted by electricity generated by coal, the talk is not for publication.

    Barry only has a 35% approval rating in this state, now - he is even underwater in Philly and the 'burgh.

    At this point, a Republican Presidental Candidate could not do much better than campaigning to repeal every law passed under this administration, and every regulation and most especially every Executive Order.

    Along with that should be detailed numbers of what those outside the administration say this President Bozo will cost the rest of us.
