Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Steyn time...

No introduction, explanation or description required.  Go feast yourself on Steyn's deliciousness.


  1. I wonder if the u.s. government would consider Steyn a journalist.

  2. I enjoyed the feast immensely, Fay. Thank you so much for posting it.

    Apparently, the guy suing him is not only a liar but a sensitive butterfly...

  3. " sticks at dawn."

    Love it! Steyn never disappoints. :-)

  4. I wonder when Steyn will get an invite to a nice little off the record chat at the White House?

    Like Krauthammer and company did...

    Hilarious that David Brooks was called in with the liberal/progressive kids - rubbing shoulders with the likes of Jonathan Chait - instead of the conservatives. Well, yeah.

    HT: Drudge

    1. Why is that hilarious? David Brooks is as snarkily liberal as anyone at Kos. I called him a weasel yesterday on Twitter, because I'm sick of his personal ("stupid, stupidity, incompetence") insults to Ted Cruz

    2. Dances, it's the irony - the NYT maintains the fiction that Brooks is their "voice of conservatives", but Obama just acknowledges reality.

      The two groups of columnists are, in Obamas mind, not even liberal or conservative - they are simply either with him or against him.

    3. Maybe I'm suffering from irony deficiency anemia. Brooks is only a conservative in the sense that the man driving into the bridge abutment at 75 instead of 90 is.

    4. I'd known that Brooks worked at National Review, but I didn't know the story. Apparently he's never been hard core conservative.

      Which is fine by me, actually; I've never identified as a hard core conservative. Brooks bothers me not because he's a RINO. It's because he's a boot licking putz!

      I went to college when Reagan was president - there were plenty of conservative students and every damn campus had some "Review" type rag. Mostly it was drivel and the students were "conservative" mainly because they thought it could justify them acting like a-holes. And because Power. They wanted to belong to the group that had it.

      Kinda like what Brooks is doing now, except that the progressives have the power, and he has no benefit of youthful innocence. He's just a sycophant, and he probably doesn't even have the self awareness to know what he's doing, just believes his own crap.

  5. Very strange behavior just now on blogger. Ate my comment and signed me out of all my google accounts when I attempted to post a comment... that's new...

    1. Did this twice I might add. Go ahead blogger. Eat another one. Make my day, punk.

    2. That never happened to you before? Where have you been?

    3. I've been taking a "disproportional" share of good luck with the interface so far I guess. ;)

  6. Hmph. I've lost the blogger ribbon at the top of the page. Does TCKT have the plague, or is it another burp?
