Friday, August 30, 2013

Why I Don't Like Joe What's-His-Name. Cheetos! That's Why!

Everyone's favorite token *cough NOT cough* republican Joe Scarbutt has gone TOO FAR this time. Conservative patriots have been called a lot of horrible things over the past few years, but "Cheeto crunchers on blogs"? Really Jim? Or Joe? Or whatever-your-name-is? I'm incensed! Steamed! Rabid!

     /staring at neon-orange fingers at 0730...

Oh wait...

     /slinking away whilst brushing cheeto-dust off of pajamas.

And just HOW did he know that we prefer crunchies instead of puffs? Answer me that!

Drones, that's how!

     /delicately shaping a tinfoil hat to place over the cheeto bag.

There. My work here is done.


  1. Using "whilst" in a sentence was extraordinarily fun. :)

    1. Too funny lady red, your post and comment cracked me up.

  2. That's such a great photo. The pile of cheetos in the soap tray just puts it over the top.

  3. I guess I shouldn't be ridiculing Joe Scarbutt when Obamassiah and Ketchup Boy are about to launch the Great Youtube War of 2013.

    There's nothing like a good old-fashioned war to improve the economy and distract Ma and Pa Flyoverland from the domestic coup-in-progress.

    1. Seriously - if it were the case that near unilateral military action _were_ warranted right now, then we'd be in a very unfortunate situation.

      Particularly since the current political leadership (including, but not limited to, the President) so brutally ridiculed, politicized and de-legitimized such military action.

      This is where I diverge from Rand Paul, by the way. I do believe there are instances when the United States has to bomb the crap out of some place, absolutely, positively overnight, with or without allies, and the hell with what the UNSC or the rest of the world thinks. I tend to believe Rand Paul believes this is never the case, just on principle.

      Now Paul's view is grounded in what he believes is in the best long term interest for the United States, both it's government and its people.

      And my own view has evolved from "Paul's brand of isolationism and non-intervention is stupid and naive" to "well, reasonable people may differ."

      Bomb Syria? If it's warranted, I don't understand why, exactly. Tend to doubt the case can be made. Could be persuaded otherwise. Don't even see much in the way of an attempt at that; the current administration all about the "whatever, I can do what I want!"

      Faith that whatever Obama decides is motivated by good faith estimation of what's in the best interest of the United States?


    2. Ketchup Boy

      LMAO, you should TM that!

  4. So THAT'S where spray tans come from!
