Friday, July 12, 2013

Putting The Pieces In Place

Obama's top Stasi goon is moving from Homeland Security to the Ministry of Youth Indoctrination and Compliance President of the University of California system.

Napolitano’s nomination by a committee of UC regents came after a secretive process that insiders said focused on her early as a high-profile, although untraditional, candidate who has led large public agencies and shown a strong interest in improving education.

Bend over, hippie freaks and hispanics. You're about to get exactly what you voted for; a jackboot up your ass. I'll bet you didn't think Obama's thugocracy applied to you, hmm?

In other "news", the Zimmerman fiasco is inching towards its inevitable conclusion. This trial is a mockery, and highlights how social justice has contaminated every aspect of our lives. It also showcases the profound stupidity that has crept in to all classes and races in this country. It's a pitiful display.

When the sham "verdict" is announced, I really don't care if people want to riot and burn their own neighborhoods down. Let 'em. Anybody with a brain cell left in their head should be prepared to defend their own patch of dirt from the government and media-incited mobs.

Tick tock.


  1. Let them burn their own neighbourhoods -- and let them live with the results. It would behove them not to take their temper tantrums into other people's neighbourhoods: those other neighborhoods are not going to sit by silently as they have in the past.

    It is clear that the government is not interested in justice or protecting the innocent -- people will have to do it for themselves. It will be interesting to see how the government and the MSM will try to spin how, when group A invades group B's area and group B defend itself, group B provoked it.

    1. You're right Matt; justice is not in the government's game plan.
