Thursday, July 11, 2013

What a Show Trial in America Looks Like

Was I right about this "judge" or was I right?

A hostile exchange took place in the courtroom today where George Zimmerman is on trial for second degree murder as Judge Debra Nelson questioned the defendant about his plans to testify.
Nelson reminded Zimmerman that he has the “absolute right to remain silent” if he so desires and proceeded to ask him whether he was prepared to testify. Defense attorney Don West twice objected to the question, but was overruled by Nelson, who explained, “The court is entitled to inquire if Mr. Zimmerman’s determination [sic] as to whether or not he wants to testify.”
The judge then began asking Zimmerman how much time he requires to determine whether or not he would like to testify. West again objected to the question and asked for more time to speak with his client, prompting Judge Nelson to raise her voice and exclaim, “Your objection is overruled!”
The tension escalated as another of Zimmerman’s defense attorneys, Mark O’Mara, was overheard asking under his breath, “What is going on?”
Kathi Belich, a journalist following the trial for a local news channel, tweeted her surprise at the line of questioning, writing “I have never seen that in more than 30 years of court reporting.”

There is a very good reason that this experienced reporter has not seen such a scene in over 30 years of reporting on criminal proceedings:  everything about this exchange is completely contrary to the spirit of our Common Law, our rules of criminal procedure and our basic values about what constitutes due process.

Where are our conservative champions?  Where is the Republican Party?  Where is..well, anyone, really?


  1. link

    The judge is getting ready to take her robe off and join the prosecution at their table.

    That said, I sure don't want the Republican Party to get involved in this criminal trial. Wasn't it bad enough when Obama, Bobby Rush and that insane woman with the cowboy hat got involved and stoked racial tensions?

    Of course the prosecutors are now going for manslaughter because even cowboy hat had to know they didn't prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. I thought he would walk (he should, he was defending himself) but now I think it may be a hung jury.

    Last night when the proceeding wrapped up at 10 pm, the defense asked for more time to prepare witnesses so that they could then have their closing on the same day as the prosecution. The judge said no and then she walked out of court while the attys were still speaking.

    I've never seen anything like it since the judge in The Verdict, but then that was Hollywood.


    1. Jourdan is my witness - I predicted the hung jury outcome myself in an email exchange. Great minds think alike!

    2. Jourdan said ...

      Where is the Republican Party?

      Floranista said ...

      I sure don't want the Republican Party to get involved in this criminal trial.

      ANSWER: This Florida v Zimmerman trial would not exist without intervention by Florida Republicans: Governor Scott(R), Attorney General Bondi (R), and Special Prosecutor Corey (R).

      The local authorities, representing the local community and the State of Florida through its State's Attorney for the district, where the incident occurred, had already decided to not bring charges. Governor Scott (R) appointed State's Attorney for Jacksonville to be a "special prosecutor" for political reasons only.

      There's your frigging Republican Party in Florida.

    3. I'm not sure there IS a Republican Party, dear florrie. There's just good, decent, wonderful people like you, trying to hold the planks together while the cowards at the top play patty-cake with the "social justice" goons.

      I predict a viable third party will emerge from the wreckage of Republican progessivism and cowardice, but it may not occur until we get annihilated in the 2016 election by the Clinton machine.

      Stock up your pantry and ammo boxes, and keep your eye on Rand Paul.

    4. Yeah, you're right about Scott and Bondi, etc., Aridog. They are unprincipled cowards. I had forgotten about the initial push to charge Z.

      TY for the nice words, lady red. Yes, I am a life-long republican and will remain so unless there is a viable 3rd party that can actually win an election.

      Pretty much at this stage I just want to be left alone (by govt' and pols).
