Monday, January 14, 2013

Cowards, And Damn Cowards

What fresh hell is THIS???

"WalMart reportedly has stopped selling ammunition ahead of the Obama administration’s anticipated gun control recommendations to Congress -- and uncertainty over what new laws may be coming."

WalMart may have just made the biggest mistake of its corporate life. Millions upon millions of their customers will not be impressed by WalMart cowardly actions. They are an enormous company, more than capable of sitting on inventory if they must. If this is true, it will be perceived by many of their loyal customers as collaborating with the enemy.

"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." 
--Samuel Adams


  1. Folks mostly shop and WalMart because they have to, not because they like it.

    What's interesting is how they see the risk - obviously they see the possibility of draconian new regs and laws as likely.

    Nice to see that the PTB have effectively nullified that whole pesky Article I thingie.

    1. Lewy, I think that folks shop at WalMart because it's convenient. There are other options, such as Target, K-Mart, and Big Lots. WalMart's prices are not the lowest in the market. People WILL refuse to shop at WalMart. In droves.

      And yeah; the fact that they see a problem is bone-chilling. Buckle up!

    2. If you are correct in your assessment lr, nothing would make me happier. My first reaction was "they will probably get away with this" but if their business suffers, that would be completely awesome.

    3. I agree with lady red. WalMart is being hypocritical, so what else is new?

      WalMart used to have the best prices but I got tired of their weirdness and our Safeway and Fred Meyer now have prices just as competitive (if not more so).

  2. No one has to shop at Wal-Mart. The "have to" part is their own fault for going there instead of their local stores, whom they put out of business as a result....only to discover, if they bothered, that Wal-mart's prices go up after the intro year or so....if they were ever low in the first place.

    Wal-mart is merely showing its true colors, so no one should be IS all about THEM, not you. If you shop there and get deserve it. Period.

    Nothing delights me more than to know that maybe near half the Wal-mart "shoppers" are cruising for products they will actually buy on line.

    If Wal-mart were to have the very last roll of toilet paper and the very last banana on earth I'd shit in leaves and eat tree bark before going to Wal-mart. Or I'd take my guns and rob their ass.

    1. Well, now we know they won't have any ammo in the back of the store...

    2. I take it this means you won't be applying for the position of WM store greeter to supplement your retirement income...


    3. Oh florrie, I just inhaled my coffee and dang near choked. LMAO!!!

      Aridog, picturing you as a WM greeter is like picturing Clint Eastwood in that role. And I mean that in the BEST possible (and most hilarious) way! :))

    4. Florie...I might take that Wal-mart "greeter" job in a heart beat, if only to see how long before they fired me for cause. Cause such as me greeting everyone with: "Why the fuck are you shopping in this shit-hole? Do you actually like being treated like sodomized sheep?"

    5. tee hee

      I pictured you as Clint Eastwood as well. At least, Dirty Harry Callahan :-)

      FWIW, I used to shop there for "name brand" goods and RX as their prices were really good. But they started creeping up and I just began to get creeped out by various things.

      Our Safeway actually beats their prices on many goods and I like Fred Meyer for variety. RXs are the same price at both stores. It was actually a relief not to go there anymore. Of course, neither Safeway nor Fred Meyer is a "small independent" or "mom & pop" store. We have few choices in that area; the closest I found when we moved here was our local co-op and I loved shopping there. Then a couple years ago their board - in their infinite wisdom about making food political - decided to boycott any products from Israel. I missed shopping there despite its employees and patrons being around 99.994% extreme lefty, 60's hippie-wanna-be-PC-dreadlocked-tiedyed nuts.

  3. WalMart disputes the story.

    They won't do a deal with Obama just because he wants them to.

    They will do a deal which leaves them in a better rent-seeking position (re, e.g., doing background checks on gun sales between private citizens) once the dust settles. Obama will likely be happy to provide - crony capitalism and regulatory capture is what he does.

    1. I'm heartened to hear that the rumors are bogus. WalMart's top brass are generally adept at having their ear to the train track.

      I don't see how the gov't could effectively police private gun sales/trades. It would be akin to herding cats. Most people won't comply, even at gun shows.

    2. Wal-Mart joins in the Kabuki Theater with Obama you say? That's what I am reading. What quid pro quo will they taxing and federal management of Internet sales maybe?

      What is this "private gun trades" or whatever? Does that mean from one individual to another individual, no commercial establishment soliciting or even just facilitating the transaction ... without background check and permitting?

      In Michigan that is already illegal for any handgun anywhere at any time for any reason....the sole exception being sales between conceal pistol license holders....and even then government forms are required to be filed with the local and state PD offices. You cannot buy your own brother or daughter a hand gun without the certifications...hell, you can't even loan a hand gun for use outside of your direct supervision.

      In addition: You are breaking the law if you purchase a handgun in Ohio or Indiana or anywhere else and bring it in to Michigan without acquiring at least a individual permit to purchase if you lack a CPL. owe sales/use tax of 6% on it to boot.

      I have literally documented, with jurisdictional permit copies of buyer, of every hand gun I've sold or transferred since around 1964. It has "always" (in my lifetime) been required here. I still have those records. I lack only one for a loss, when my car was stolen in 1983, but there are records of that incident in several places....even though I can't find my original report copy.

      Long guns are a bit different, commercial stores have to do a cursory background check, but individuals one on one don't, IIRC...except at "gun shows" where the same commercial cursory check is required.

      If another idiotic move is made by government against high capacity magazines and "assault rifles" the cure will be worse than the bite. Those "assault rifles" are no such thing, just retail clones with little or none of the actual functionality of real assault rifles...which has been illegal for ordinary citizens since 1934, reinforced in 1968.

      A fair number of the real full auto weapons everyone seems to have knotted panties over fire from an open bolt, while all commercial semi-auto's fire from closed (usually rotating) bolts unless relatively small caliber that might use the blow-back and toggle system. Virtually ALL of the open bolt variety of assault weapons can be made by a decent machinist in his basement with a couple machine tools. It has already been done here a few times.

    3. Fair notice: For me, it's pathological, so nothing Wal-Mart ever says or does is worthwhile, except maybe leave town. Just the term "associate" to refer to employees irritates me no end. Only thing missing is the demand "associates" wear sufficient "flare" like the waitress in "Office Space."

      Carry on, as you were...

    4. The article by Larry Correia that lady red posted said musch the same thing, Aridog (your penultimate post). That should be required reading, in my opinion, for anyone not real familiar with guns or gun control. I've posted it on another site and have sent it to several friends.

  4. Tom and I both became NRA members this week. For anyone else who is interested, here is their membership link. It's only $35 and you don't have to be a gun owner to join.

    1. Good for you. The NRA is a necessary and good organization. It has some quirks that may irritate (such as soliciting membership renewal 9 months in advance of due date, among others) but ignore the irritants. I've been a member most of my life, with a couple of them for OCONUS service. I started out in what was then called the "Junior Division NRA" at the age of 7 in 1949 and earned my first proficiency badge at age 8 in 1950. I've posted this image before of two proficiency badges, one in 1950, the other in 1969. One led to the other I assure you. It's never too late to start, as my daughter has done near 40.

    2. The NRA has added more than 250,000 new members in the month since the Newtown murders.
