Wednesday, January 16, 2013

'Anonymous' Responds To Obama Gun control Initiatives

Well, if it is actually anyone associated with 'Anonymous'. 

No real way to know, is there?

Totally Creepy.

This is the short version, there is another on YouTube that is over 15 minutes long, but this was enough for me.


  1. Strange bedfellows indeed. "Anonymous" was behind the very first Occupy Wall St posters that I saw go up in Portland a year and a half ago.

    I'm not a fan of Anonymous but this does look like their work. If it _is_ their work then they might be more principled than I previously gave them credit for.

    Now wondering what all the über-progressive liberal Anonymous fanboiz ("Free Bradley Manning!") are going to think. They'll probably deny this was the "real" Anonymous.

  2. Things may get very nasty. Obama and his ilk are underestimating the mood of the American people. We are not going to lie down and play dead.

    The fact that Obama would resort to EOs to impose his demands shows exactly why the Second Amendment is in the Bill of Rights to begin with. There is nothing leftists are not willing to do to control the country.

    We will not let it happen.

  3. OK, more or less sort-of-off-topic, but this has been wandering through the Hot Air comments all of yesterday.

    Does this mean I lose?

    “The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation. ” -Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler, Publ. Houghton Miflin, 1943, Page 403

  4. How do you identify the "real Anonymous?" Beside being oxymoronic to attempt to give "identify" to it at all.

    My money is on this being a progressive ploy to give government righteous reason to react even more emphatically to their "perceived" threat from "no one." It serves the progressive cause by creating an "enemy of the people" yada yada. For the children doncha know.

    I call bullshit.

    1. While "Anonymous" is amorphous, it does have a core cadre of activists.

      Some number of them were busted / outed in connection with actions taken on behalf of WikiLeaks - this happened maybe a year or two ago.

      So there are new people and colleagues of the originals in there.

      There are real true core members and if this is them, then, well, awesome.

      I have a simpler explanation than "false flag" - simply that for Anonymous, if the government is for it, they're against it. These are very young people with serious problems with authority. (I for one will admit I can relate to this, I recall what I was like at that age.)

      On the other hand - "Anonymous" should be flattered that they are considered a sufficient threat that they are the targets of infiltration.

      So while I do seriously doubt that the Obama machine simply fabricated these videos, I'm betting that they are no surprise to DHS (which is rapidly becoming the equivalent of the "Interior Ministry" of some third rate fascist shithole of a country).

    2. Lewy said ...

      ... simply that for Anonymous, if the government is for it, they're against it. These are very young people with serious problems with authority.

      I'm re-thinking my viewpoint, away from false flag. You make a valid point. Actually I guess I just want it to be valid. Anonymous may be "very young people" but they've got an old codger or two with similar philosophy perhaps.

      Your description of them vis a vis government and authority is my attitude, both in my youth and now. I am pretty sure that's no surprise to anyone here. "Serious problem with authority..." would be on most of my critical reprimands throughout my career....including up to retirement in 2005.

      I'm no anarchist, but where I thought I could trust an organization, the military, I quickly found that at the senior difference making levels, they're the same lying bastards as found in civilian life. I prefer defeating obstinate bureaucracy by procedural means. Violence would be my last resort, but not unthinkable.

      I drew energy from working in the environment of deceit for what I and fellow "line" folks could accomplish on principle, regardless of feckless leadership. I enjoyed it immensely when I could blow a whistle and jam assholes on their own petards. Doing my job well and providing the service expected by our constituency, was the best reward, in peacetime and in war, no matter how senior "management" felt.

      I can count on my fingers the politicians I admire, over our entire history, and some of them didn't agree with me philosophically 95% of the time...but they are/were honest men, at least momentarily, who served their constituency and didn't ignore a renegade due to irrelevant issues or get distracted by a party label.

      As someone who has been on the inside, I'd say your evaluation of DHS is dead on the money...merely creating it was the worst error of Bush 43's Presidency.

    3. Yeah, the whole "question authority" thing feels kinda familiar, huh?

      I basically distrusted everyone who wore a suit when I was 18.

      Then I got "sophisticated and realistic".

      Now I'm wondering if I maybe I did "know everything" when I was 18...

  5. That's an interesting idea, Aridog, I hadn't considered that but it makes complete sense. After all, Media Matters pays prog trolls who post the most incendiary comments on right-wing sites such as DC, Breitbart, etc.

  6. And in other news, there is already a large crowd gathering for the inauguration...



  7. As a casual observation: I went to the nearest "real town" the other day to buy more ammo.

    Unless you need shotgun shells, there isn't any. None. Zero. Not one bullet.

    There aren't any quality handguns either. Other than a few Argentinian models, the display cases in the local area gun stores are dust-catchers.

    1. I wonder how much of that is the fact-based fear of gun-owners, looking to stock up, and how much is shortage caused by the absurd purchase levels by the feds over the last year?
