Monday, December 31, 2012

Ode To The Welfare State

Found in my wanderings:


  1. You mean to say you have not heard?
    Our land won't turn to ash.
    To think such thoughts would be absurd,
    We have Obama's stash!

  2. Lovely, Matt, and unfortunately (as you know) the attitude of those victims of the public school system for the last 30 to 40 years.

    As for me, i figure, '0bama's stash' consists of many pounds of the finest hemp, hashish and any other cannabinoids that can be discretely gathered during his tours of the world.

  3. Prescient poetry, indeed.

    But notice the date - things take quite a while to "go to smash".

    How much longer till the next crisis?

    Quite a while, perhaps.

  4. Wonderful find, Dances! If that isn't the truth!

  5. We've been on this road a long time, haven't we? This is a great find DWT, especially this morning; the RINO's have once again displayed their utter cowardice, and rendered us, for all intents and purposes, a one-party nation.
