Friday, December 28, 2012

Demand Celebrities go F**k Themselves.

Rich, powerful people who will retain access to armed security and the forbearance of law enforcement regardless, whose business model entails peddling violence and death at enormous profit - and to no constructive purpose - demanding we relinquish our protection and our rights.

Demanding of us, in fact, that "we" demand it. Of our "leaders".

Can it really get any clearer than this?


  1. One of the things that just floored me was George Clooney testifying before Congress on Sudan.

    WHY? Because he makes movies? Because he read some articles in The Economist? Because he was interested in it for awhile?

    And Bono, whose "life of service" revolves around disaster tourism and avoiding Irish taxes?

    Celebrities can kiss my ass. They have no more - and in many cases considerably less - expertise than the average person and their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    1. Let's not forget Sissy Spacek, Jessica Lange and Jane Fonda giving their "expert" testimony in from of a congressional committee after their roles as farm wives. Or how about Sigourney Weaver pontificating about ocean acidification? Of course, she was an expert in demand after playing an environmental scientist in Avatar.

      Our congressis full of star-struck johns. I'm with GotS, they and the "celebrities" can kiss my ass.

    2. LOL florrie, here's some more:

      Noted psycologist Nicole Kidman on Domestic Violence.

      Respected medical doctor and scientific researcher Jenny McCartney on the link between vaccinations and autism.

      Internationally acclaimed economist Lindsay Lohan on Jobs/Small Business.

      Yup, we're screwed :))

    3. Unbelievable, isn't it, Fay? Sheesh.

  2. How many more "weapons free zones?"

    It should be noted that the Virginia Tech shooter killed two people. The police came, could not find him, then pretty much left the scene. It was 2-3 hours later that he went on his rampage. So much for the government protecting us.

    I saw a chart from the Daily Mail. The United Kingdom topped the list of (reporting) countries with the highest rate of violent crimes (Assaults, sexual assaults, robberies, burglaries, murders), with 2034 per 100,000 population. Canada came in sixth with 935/100,000. The United States? 14th with 466/100,000. In other words, The U.S. has one half the violent crime rate of Canada, and less than one quarter the violent crime rate of the UK.

    The rate of hand-gun crime in the UK has doubled since the all-but-compoete weapons ban.

    And why anyone would want to give governments such complete control when governments have murdered from 100 million to 250 million people in the past 100 years is beyond me.

    Let's also remember the 140 Chinese school students in the past two years who have been attacked with knives, cleavers. They don't count.

    And how many people in that video had a cow if President Bush blew his nose? That's because he was taking away people's rights! But for the government now to put us at the government's mercy? No problem.

    Yeah, let's bring the United States into the 21st century: where people have to cower in their homes knowing that if somebody breaks in, the victims better be pretty bloody before they even THINK of defending themselves.

    Meanwhile, these Hollywood idiots live in the protected cocoons with their armed guards while they tell us to go fuck ourselves. As Orwell said, "Everyone is created equal, but some are more equal than others."

    I don't care if someone is stupid -- just don't let their stupidity endanger me.

  3. The hypocrisy is simply mind-numbing. So is the hypocrisy of the Obama/Emmanuel crowd; their kids are worthy of armed guards, but the idea of armed guards for OUR children is "crazy".

  4. According a report from the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development from October, 2011, an estimated 396,00 people are murdered each year, 54,000 are victims of unintentional killings (manslaughter), and an additional 21,000 deaths are from law enforcement action. That is a total of 471,000. If we are to use that figure for each of the last 100 years, we have a total of 47.1 million victims in the past 100 years. Compare that to the minimum estimate of government murders for the same time frame: 100 million.

    Yeah, let's let governments have control.

  5. Sorry to go off topic, but this is the second 'snow day' for me this week. Wednesday was the first.

    This one is more special because it was to be the last day of work before my lay-off.

    The owner offered, because of my continuing back problems, and also due to the fact that each year I have more trouble driving up down the mountain at night. That's surely not a sign of aging, is it?

    I wil be working one day each week to keep my health insurance active, and also to add a little to the amount I will get from unemployment.

    Of course, since I spend at least $60 in gas for two weeks, I may end up having more ready cash during the layoff.

    Now I just need to figure out what to do for the next couple of months, to keep myself from getting fat(ter) and lazy(er).

    1. Do some more writing? Not that we have a selfish interest in that, or anything.

  6. To get back on topic, celebrities are one of the banes of America's existence, and have been for at least 40 years now.

    Anyone who allows another to influence them based merely on how well-known they are is as much a damned fool as those who think they should have influence for that reason.

    We are far past the point of good role models in entertainment, or sports, or government, or education, for that matter.

    The few in those fields who are still decent human beings are derided and harried because of it. Think Tim Tebow.

  7. Concur, completely, Lewy.

    Great vid.

  8. This video is now linked on Drudge and Instapundit... but folks, you saw it here first! :)

  9. Lewy, I should have asked before. Did you make this?

    1. Dances, thanks, but no, I didn't... the link was posted in the comments to some other story on Zero Hedge... I have no such video editing talents.
