Sunday, November 18, 2012

Teetering On The Edge Of Paranoia

Subtitle - "Am I Crazy? Is He crazy?  Or Is It The World?"

I've been wondering for years why the Dems seem to get away with it every time.  So I was doing some searching, and found this blog early this afternoon in a link from 'The Blaze'.

It showed an article about Why the GOP is not challenging this obviously fraudulent election.

The answer is insane.

But he refers back to a reputable website for his base information, and even offers the full court decision on a PDF.

I downloaded that, but have had no luck opening it.  It is there, in my downloaded files, but neither Adobe or Sumatra will open it.

Which is why I begin to wonder if it is paranoia on my part.

Anyway, read it and weep, and if you can get the PDF to open let me know if I am nuts, OK?

Of course, this also makes me wonder if this decision is part of the Supreme Court's reasoning for reopening arguments on the Voting Rights Act?  Perhaps if it is negated, this will go away also.


  1. Dances, I can get to the site and I can open the PDF no problem.

    Of course, if I ask my computer to make me a sandwich, it does, so YMMV.

    I think the article is overwrought.

    Romney's internal polls were wrong and Nate Silver (and Obama's campaign) were right. That's pretty much it.

    Yes, there were shenanigans (read "voting fraud crimes") but not enough to flip the result. It was close... but really not that close.

    Romney's campaign turns out to have been pretty incompetent on a number of levels. To say that I'm disappointed in Romney as a manager is an understatement.

    Sadly - or perhaps, "thankfully", the government under Obama is nowhere near as well run as his campaign was.

    I saw a great tweet the other day - Everywhere I look, I see confirmation bias. It's a joke, of course, but one with a great deal of wisdom.

    Consider for example the whole story from Moscow allegedly about Obama being groomed from a young age. Assume for a moment that this is utter bunk and ask yourself, in a universe where this story was bunk, what are the odds I'd hear a story like this? My estimate would be close to 100%. So the fact that I hear a story like this does not impress me; I'd likely hear this story whether it was true or not - it's just too good a story. Not to say it's impossible or untrue, just that hearing the rumor does absolutely nothing to influence my belief one way or another. (There's a theorem in probability called "Bayes theorem" which explains my reasoning more precisely. It's a rare piece of mathematics, in that it is useful to understand for parsing the noise that accompanies everyday life).

    However - all that being said - I wholeheartedly endorse the final recommendation of the linked piece.

    Leave the Republican party. It's worse than useless and it needs to die.

    It's not fighting for you, it's fighting for its own existence, which - if all it gets is sloppy seconds after the Democrats as they cornhole the entire population in an orgy of Hunger Games like violence and exploitation - it will be quite happy with.

    1. It's not fighting for you, it's fighting for its own existence, ...

      My observation is that both the Democratic and the Republican Parties are doing this now. Only their methods differ, and recently their successes. The fact that "a party" can become "The Party" is an existential threat...and we are drawing closer and closer to it. "The Party" is more important than any individual within it, and soon enough it becomes the perpetual growth bureaucracy that cannot not be defeated...regardless of who is elected to figure head office. Government institutionalizes itself and strives for independence from voter opinions...until is has enough influence in infinitesimal parts of everyone's daily life that it is suicidal for any individual to resist the bureaucracy.

      It is not like this is a new phenomena, now is it?

    2. I think you hit the nail on the head, Aridog.

      I'm discouraged beyond words.

    3. Exactly, Ari nails it - and the Democrats and Republicans are becoming like two flavors, same sh!t.

  2. I'm with lewy on this one.

    I'm sure that voter fraud occurred in many pockets throughout the country, but I don't think it was enough to swing the election to Obama. The R party utterly failed. Rove and Morris should be permanently exiled to Siberia. Silver deserves an apology and a pat on the back for a job well done.

    I believe that Romney failed on several levels, but mostly in getting his message across to people who are sandwiched between the parties: moral/financial conservatives (of all races) who he publicly shamed for drawing disability, medicaid, unemployment, foodstamps, etc. to get their families through this Recession. I've heard it a dozen times since the paraphrase: "Mitt Romney thinks I'm a moocher." Also, the Ds very effectively hammered the meme that "if you've ever taken help from the gov't, you're a hypocrite if you vote for Romney".

    I also think that Christie's slobbering love affair with Obama in the aftermath of Sandy was the proverbial nail in Romney's coffin. Had Christie stuck to his principles instead of whoring for federal money, Obama's feeble response to Hurricane Sandy may have been interpreted differently by American voters.

    Now the R party is clamoring to be a new flavor; liberal lite. No thanks.

    1. Karl rove should be exiled to Siberia? Why? Even I was surprised when he got GWB elected for a second time and his pac worked its ass off to get Romney elected. He didn't ever foresee a landslide like Dick Morris did (with George Will and Michael Barrone).

      I don't get the animosity for Karl Rove; all he did was to ask FNC to not call PA so quickly as the gap between candidates was very narrow and there were a lot of votes to come in.

      I'll take him on my campaign any day.

    2. I think Romney's message was heard by anyone out there wanting to hear it. I agree with lady red that it was the negative advertising by the Obama campaign, started months before Romney was our official nominee, that had an impact. Although I think Christie was wrong in his effusive praise of the idiot, I don't know that it swayed many people. (Christie is also making a big mistake going on SNL, in my opinion, we already have one buffoon going on every comedy and opinion show, we don't need another).

      Obama won because his base turned out, also the younger voters; there was plenty of enthusiasm on the dem side, it just wasn't reported. Like Karl Rove and many other republicans said, it was going to be close and it was.

    3. I also agree with you on that, lady red; I want no part of liberal lite.

    4. Florrie, honestly, if Karl Rove walked in my house right now, I'd bean him with his own whiteboard. Then I'd kick him in the ankles for good measure.

      He and Morris were so WRONG, so wildly, not-even-in-the-ballpark WRONG about this election, that I cannot trust either of them ever again. To put it another way: I'm damn mad at them! Hmph! Hah! I guess I'll get over it.

      Of course, I'm just a bitter clinger. And a racist. *sigh* I haven't yet absorbed all the implications of this horrific defeat at the polls, and maybe I'm looking for someone to blame, in my stunningly stunned stun-a-tude.

    5. Yes, you're right that his analysis of the polls slanted to the +7 dem turnout of '08 was way off. I think that's one reason so many of us were shocked by the results. No one expected Obama to get the same turnout that he did last election.

      I'm a Rove groupie, though, what can I say?

      *insert red-faced emoticon here*

    6. I don' think Rove was the reason the campaign failed, but was a reason.

      The game changed out from under Rove, and he failed to notice or keep up.

      For this he is culpable - no more, no less.

      (And like I said - by the logic of the governing philosophy the Romney campaign itself propounded - failures get fired.)

  3. Fay - I don't know why the link would not open for you. I just tried and it worked for me.

    Perhaps 'overwrought' is the best explanation.

  4. I remember a joke from a few years ago. President Bush and the Pope were out fishing. A gust of wind comes by and blows the Pope's miter in the water. President Bush gets out of the boat and walks on water to get the miter.

    The next day the headline in the New York Times says "President Bush Can't Swim."

    In St. Lucie County. Florida, the Democratic-controlled elections board had until noon Sunday to certify the recount of the Allan West race. They missed the deadline, which automatically meant the the previous count became the official count. So, the DEMOCRATIC board does not do its job, which makes the DEMOCRATIC challenger the winner. Nice work if you can get it.

    The Republican Party is not the problem: there is infrastructure there to do the job just fine, thank you. Yes, I believe there as an infestation of Rinos at the top . They must be driven from positions of power. While Romney was not my candidate of choice in the beginning, he did win me over. Personally, I would LOVE to see Allan West as the candidate next time.

    But get rid of the Republican Party? I can almost guarantee you that if we tried to form a new party it would be years before even the Presidential candidate would be certified to be on the ballot in all fifty states. Obama may as well issue an executive order banning other political parties.

    If conservatives cannot even get control of their own party, why would anyone think they could make a successful new party? We need to stay and fight for conservative control of the Republicans. Republicans, in the broad picture, lose when they try and be Democrat-lite. The problem is that when a Republican does stand for conservative principals, the media and anyone with power in the status-quo seeks to destroy them. A new party, besides all the inherent problems it would have, would not fare any better. A "Tea Party" party? Just look at the lies told about Tea Partiers. That isn't going to change any time soon.

    1. I too support Allen West. He's a true American hero, and has both the brains and the b*lls to be a GREAT president.

      However, I can't see the R bigwigs throwing their support behind West. Not now, not in four years, not in eight years, not ever.

      For a wholesale takeover of the R establishment, conservatives need money (and lots of it), sane platform planks, sane candidates, and a network/multiple media outlets to get the message out to the voters.

      Does anyone see that happening?

    2. Riffing off what lr said - the problem is Matt, however "indispensable" the R party might appear to be, they're just not that into you. Or me.

      Small, limited government? Federalism? Fiscal conservatism?

      No. Not their agenda. We don't have to decide to leave them, they've already left us.

  5. I feel very discouraged about Rep. West even *needing* a recount. Wasn't his district gerrymandered by the republicans? At the time, I thought WTF? The old school repubs don't like it that he speaks his mind, that they can't control him.

    OT but I need to vent, I'm just so livid that we are giving a BILLION $+ to Egypt. To the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD. I honestly didn't think I'd live to see the day we pay blackmail money to terrorists. And the gutless fools that speak for State REFUSE to condemn Erdogan for calling Israel a terrorist state? We condone those insane comments with our silence.

    Sorry to go off topic, I just feel so angry about this.

    1. Aty least you are still capable of speaking out about the insanity. While I am almost stunned in to silence by the events of the past 2 months.

    2. Here aridog, have something smokey splashed over ice. Personally, I feel like a deer caught in the headlights. At some point we all need to "unfreeze" and get our butts off the highway and into the woods. If you get my drift.

    3. Glenn's not feeling so copacetic either.

  6. I can't help but think that the Tea Partiers, the real rank-and-file members of the Republican Party will mutiny if the elite do not change their way of doing things.

    It is as though conservatives are good for winning off-year elections for the party, but the party feels like it needs to be a cheap whore for the Presidential elections.

  7. You are so right, Matt, on both counts.

  8. I can't help but think that the Tea Partiers, the real rank-and-file members of the Republican Party will mutiny if the elite do not change their way of doing things.

    My Jolly Roger's good and hoisted.
