Sunday, November 18, 2012

Brothers In Arms for the IDF

In honor of the Israeli Soldier, at the start of yet another war of aggression against her.


  1. What a beautiful video DWT. I have no more words.

    I'm still recovering from the shock of a missile being shot down somewhere nearby my house just a couple of hours ago. I've just about stopped shaking. There was no air-raid siren, just a sudden huge explosion. I was alone at home and was terrified. I grabbed my phone and ran tot eh corridor. No time to get to the shelter.

    I had no idea what was going on. I phoned my older daughter whose husband is in the army, on the assumption she or he would have more information. So the bang was the Iron Dome shooting down the missile. I just wish we'd have had a siren just to give me some advance warning, but our local emergency call-center said the sirens are only activated if we're in danger. I asked if danger of heart attack counts, but for some reason they were highly amused at my query.

    My cat meanwhile slept through the whole thing. I bet she's a Hamas plant.

  2. Oh no, annie! We're all worried about you and yours. Thank goodness for the Iron Dome.

    This video gave me chills, Dances. Thank you for posting it. May Hashem protect Israel. May her enemies be silenced forever.

  3. Thank you Dances, I love that song and that video is beautiful. Praying for the safety of israel and all her sons and daughters.

    Oh annie, I am so sorry you are alone during this awful time. Please check you FB PM when you see this.

    G-d keep you safe dear friend.

  4. Thank you for the good wishes from everyone here. They really do give me good cheer. I'm not alone now, son #2 came back from college earlier. If he had plans to be out tonight I was going to move in to my parents or sister (both live nearby).

    I guess if things got really hairy I could move in with my elder daughter - turn-around for when she moved in with me during the Lebanon war - but I'm reluctant to move just yet. Anyway, there's no guarantee her town will be any safer. Hamas seem to shooting in all directions at the moment. The latest is that there were 2 explosions in Eilat. Whether those came from Gaza or Sinai is still to be determined. It's completely crazy.

    Meanwhile hubby is due back in another couple of days. I was going to meet him in Paris (doesn't that sound romantic!) for a short break but we've cancelled it. It just doesn't feel right going on holiday during a war.

    And now to bed and hopefully sleep. Layla tov everyone.

  5. I have no doubt in my mind that the murderous aggression on the part of hamas occurred after the U.S. election for a particular reason. The tyrants of the world feel that they have carte blanche now that the enabler-in-chief won re-election (or an unreasonable facsimile thereof).

    My thoughts, my prayers, my heart are all with Israel. How such a supposedly intelligent civilization could even begin to fall for the treacherous lies of such barbarians as are hamas is beyond belief. I can at least rest easy in the knowledge that they will rot in Hell for eternity.

  6. Annie, I can't imagine the terror you are all experiencing. That a civilized, prosperous, peaceful people should be forced to endure this madness defies sanity. Please know that the prayers of my family are with you, and all of Israel. You and your family are in our hearts and thoughts every minute of every day.

    I'm so glad that your dear hubby will be home soon!

    The video is beautiful DWT.
