Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Comfort Food!

This culinary delight is not good for you. Don't make it, and don't try it...not even one bite! Just walk away, because it's absolutely delicious, and your taste buds will never be the same! What you'll need:

2 cups elbow macaroni or penne
1 cup half and half
2 cups milk
1/2 stick butter plus 1 Tbs.
1/4 cup flour
8 oz. Velveeta cheese ( you can use American, but nothing beats Velveeta in this)
about 4-6 slices Swiss cheese
2 cups cheddar cheese
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. Tabasco sauce
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce (may sound strange but it adds a hint of flavor)
The end result:

 Here's how to put it all together, but I'll warn you, this cooking blog will add more than a few inches to your waistline!  TCKT, meet Sweet Tea and Cornbread.  Yum!


  1. It doesn't look very rich. And I am afraid I would need to do something else for calcium. And what about protein?

    1. But... we can make it gluten-free!

      (New Season's grocery chain here has had gluten free spelt chocolate donuts for years now...)

    2. It does look good. It reminds me of my patented broccoli-chicken-mararoni and did I mention cheese? casserole.

  2. Looks just like Grandma used to make... same plate even...

    (And yeah, Grandma died from complications from Type 2 diabetes).

  3. Recipes like this one are why obesity is rampant in the south. We like our fried meats, rich gravies, sweets, and baked mac & cheese with extra extra cheese. Everyone is fat, with a capital F. The food is delicious, inexpensive, and addictive.

    I've talked to more than one of my artery-clogged patients about pushing away from the table instead of spearing that last pork chop on the platter. When they're scared, they listen. Then they go home, and the next time I see them they're having a limb lopped off or quadruple bypass surgery. Or I don't see them again. The coroner does.

    But damn. It's hard to have a salad when you're staring at a plate of fried chicken and baked sweet taters drowning in butter and cinnamon sugar.

    It's worse than crack! And deadlier.

    And on that note...please pass the biscuits! :D

    1. It's worse than crack! And deadlier.

      You know... maybe we should prescribe crack for obese people.

      Ever seen a fat crackhead? Yeah, me neither.

    2. First they came for the mac and cheese, and I did not speak up, because I was not a cow...

      lady red - obviously you're sensitized because of your position - my wife, a physical therapist, sees these same people when their lumbering gate breaks down and they can no longer self-propel. She comes home sometimes and all she can convey is omg omg omg omg omg... So, definitely, a huge issue.

      But people have gotten fatter while recipes haven't changed so much. Truth is, while my Grandma was in fact overweight, it was relatively rare in her generation (born 1890's). What gives these days? What's changed? Butter and pork have always been with us - endemic obesity, not so much....

    3. Hey, maybe the extra $100 Obama "gave" out in food stamps for Thanksgiving could be traded for crack...

    4. Lewy says " What's changed?"

      In a word? Supersized (portions and ergo people).

    5. Exactly. Crack stamps. ECSD cards (Electronic Controlled Substance Dispensation).

      And then the Republicans can make an issue of it by demanding we... Privatize Crack!. Yeah, that's it...

  4. People are not as active as they used to be. They may eat the same amount but they do nothing to burn it off.

  5. You're right Matt. It's astounding how many people are in their forties and fifties, grossly overweight, sedentary, and drawing disability because of it.

    Meanwhile, the docs and Big Brother do everything in their power to keep these people breathing and registering a pulse...with meds. LOTS of meds. It's depressing. :(
