Friday, September 7, 2012

When Will Democrats Take Their Party Back?

I know THESE looney toons don't speak for most of the dems I know. Oh wait...most of the dems I know have dumped the party and are now registered Independents. The rest are waffling, especially after witnessing the extreme-left takeover of the convention and the whole "booing God" thing.  R or D, this is BAPTIST country around heah!

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Hope and Change 2 - The Party of Inclusion
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  1. Rats, we cannot watch the video in the Great White North. :(

  2. Matt, I'm not sure which episode it is, but Canucks can watch episodes The Daily Show here.

  3. I saw that. I thought it was a little clip. I did end up seeing it and was writing a long comment, but somehow I hit "Back" and lost it. Rats!

  4. Peter Schiff had a good one, getting DNC delegates to tell him they were in favor of banning corporate profits.

    On the subject of the Democrats taking their party back - I'm probably going to change my registration back to D. Why? All the elections in my neck of the woods are Democratic primaries. Why should I disenfranchise myself?

    Also, I have enough cred and history to pass as an authentic Dem and insulate myself from accusations of being a concern troll or a right wing moby.

    You know if I just argued in public for the policies of Bill Clinton circa 1996 or Al Gore circa 1988, it would be a huge step forward. I'm from the American wing of the Democratic party... yeah that should start a few fights... if I try to argue for Paul Ryan, I'm just going to get blackballed and ignored. This is life where I live.

    1. I was a registered Democrat until 2004, though I voted independently more often than not. (It is called "plunking" here) Gore was an abomination and Kerry intolerable, causing me to write a downright nasty letter to the State Democratic Party insisting the drop me from any all rolls and lists. I think I promise to mail shit wrapped in newsprint back to whomever sent me anything from their offices. I got no more "Dear Richard" memos, letters, or messages.

      That said, I do not think the Democratic Party is salvageable now. It has been hi-jacked by sundry service unions and academic progressives who will never release their grip short of violence. Literally. What happened in Wisconsin this year was merely a warm-up. I am sure FDR, Truman and JFK, and even LBJ, would not recognize the current Dem Party.

    2. Nice touch with the "literally", Aridog.

      Tom's dad was the same, a Scoop Jackson democrat. I think you are right on the money about the current state of the Democratic party. The vote in the middle of their convention to amend their party platform revealed as much.

    3. Lewy said...Peter Schiff had a good one, getting DNC delegates to tell him they were in favor of banning corporate profits.

      That concept is precisely why I added "literally" to my supposition that there will be violence before the Democrat/Progressive Party is reformed or abolished.

      No profit will still leave us with manufacturing, and it will be on par with the old East German Trabant automobile. Food production will decrease severely, similar to the demise of the Soviet Kulaks. Who will labor diligently 5 to 9 farming for no gain? Thus the returns in product and finance will not be enough down the road to support the "people" not well up in the "party." The Proles will revolt....America is not a disarmed country within closed borders.

      It is not like there is no history of these things. Would you like "cake" with that?

      Repeating my favorite symbolic OWS photo ... tell me, who would hire this pair? What does anyone think this pair is capable of doing to sustain themselves personally? Could they build anything, with or without government help? When support is no longer there, does anyone believe this pair won't be filling and throwing Molotov Cocktails?


    4. Oh! I thought you were using it as a Joe Bidenism.


    5. To be fair, Sean Hannity uses the word "literally" the same way. It is like fingers on a chock board.

  5. I applaud your decision lewy. The only way to truly change anything is from the inside-out.

    1. I admire it too, as it is what I tried to do in a way... but with less finesse than I know you are capable of in dealing with others, especially dingbats. It wore me out. The F-you comes way to quickly to my lips. And the Democrats today bear no resemblance, none, to the JFK Democrats of my youth...e.g., I start off with an aggressive bad attitude.

  6. Loved it, lady red. Stewart and co. seem to be more balanced lately, more equal-opportunity satirizing. Good! I don't mind having my "side" poked fun at; I just resent it being exclusively poked fun at.
