Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bitch Slaps And Cowbells

Kentucky and Arkansas voters sent a clear message to the Obama camp yesterday, where the Jug-Eared Messiah, fondly known as "JEM" around the Table, lost 40% of the vote.  My in-depth analysis can be summed up this way:

Of course, the clown show at the Washington Post has their own analysis, namely that:

Democrats pointed out that no one expected either Kentucky or Arkansas to be competitive states in the fall and, therefore, what happened in the two states is entirely meaningless.

Really? As an Arkie, my response to the fine hacks at WaPo is simply this:

More cowbell!

I also read yesterday that the establishment Repubs may choose an illustrious, dignified, well-coiffed businessman to be a speaker at their convention:

Yes, definitely more cowbell.


  1. Maybe they'll say that they didn't really expect to win the election so losing will be entirely meaningless.

    1. LOL! I think that is entirely plausible, Matt :-)

      I mean, look what happened to Booker for speaking his mind. He's 'splained' now about 3 different versions of what he originally said. Problem is, there are half a dozen other dems that are saying basically the same thing.

    2. I wonder if they ever get dizzy, what with all that constant spinning spinning spinning?

      Ol' Booker has tied himself into a giant Newark pretzel. It's hilarious! :))

  2. But of COURSE it doesn't matter, lady red. What I found particularly delicious was that Obama lost 40% of the dem vote in Kentucky to NO ONE!


    Of course, we all know it would matter to the liberal media if it was Romney who lost 40% or more to a nobody (or a literal 'nobody'). Then it would be more 'proof' that he's too rich, too good looking, too traditional, too straight, too successful, blah blah blah, whatever the effing left talking points are now while our country goes down the toilet.

    As for having Donald Trump as a speaker, I like him. Do I want to see him as president? Not particularly, although I think he may have done a better job than the JEM. But I don't dislike the guy, he's been hugely successful and employs tons of people, he's wonderful and supportive to his children. He always gets lots of reaction so it makes sense to have him as a speaker to get everybody pumped up at the convention.

  3. Hmph. I liked Trump until he picked Arsenio over Clay on Monday night. WTH was THAT all about?

    Oh wait...did I just say that? *blushing* I wouldn't watch such a silly show as Celebrity Apprentice! Nope, not me. I'm too busy clinging to my guns and my religion here in hillbilly land, and voting in pointless elections.


    (The picture was too delicious not to post florrie!)

  4. The closer we come to the election, the more I find my paranoid pessimist comes to the fore. What happens if it becomes abundantly clear that he's going to lose in a landslide; is an accident arranged? He's just a puppet anyway. Hillary comes to the rescue? She might actually win.

    Things are so crazy these days, I don't think I'll relax about this election until after the inauguration.

  5. Lyana, I think most people are nervous, and are weary of being nervous.

    I hope and pray that the transition of power is orderly (if Romney wins). I'm not holding my breath. It feels like we're sitting on a tinderbox.

  6. I hope this does not sound racist but, when Barry loses in November (assuming an honest vote count in enough of the country to offset Chicago, etc) I would not want to be white, Hispanic, Asian or Jewish in any big city with a large black population.

    1. AND, after the dust and blood settles, I pray there will be enough patriotic people left to TRUE the vote. In other words, no more same-day registration, motor-voter, word-of-(lying)mouth-self-identification, etc.

      When the remaining a-holes scream about it being racist, Do Not engage them in any way other than the classic point and laugh.

      That said, I would very much like to see the Electoral College go to a proportional count, wherein each congressional district's vote went for that candidate who won the district, with the added 2 senatorial votes going to the overall state winner.

      IF you look at the county by county vote maps for the last few elections, it is the damned crime and welfare ridden cities the all-too-often cause a whole state to go 'blue'.

  7. "I hope this does not sound racist but, when Barry loses in November (assuming an honest vote count in enough of the country to offset Chicago, etc) I would not want to be white, Hispanic, Asian or Jewish in any big city with a large black population."

    Your comment isn't "racist"; it's practical and realistic. Heck, I wouldn't want to be a peaceable black family either...the radical whiners like the NBP and their ilk don't seem to care whose house they burn down, and neither do the thuggish mobs that crawl out of the woodwork when their chain is yanked. They're cowards, hiding behind dime-store baseball bats and lame rhetoric instead of being MEN and lifting their communities UP with education, family values, and hard work.

    We live in scary times.
