Thursday, January 5, 2012

Oh Canada Quebec


Stéphane Gendron, host of Face à Face, a daily talk show on Quebec’s V Television network, garnered a flood of complaints after a December broadcast where he said he supported an ongoing boycott of a Montreal store that sold Israeli-made shoes.

Products made in Israel on land stolen from the Palestinians that is walled in, in an apartheid regime where they are cut off, it’s very serious,” said Mr. Gendron, who is also the mayor of Huntingdon, a small town south of Montreal. “And a country like that does not deserve to exist.

And I'm sure Gendron was a vocal anti-proponent of French only (racist, apathied) language laws in la belle province.



  1. Let's boycott anything made in Quebec.

  2. "Let's boycott anything made in Quebec."

    The only things made in Quebec are babies and welfare.

  3. And because Gendron is probably the kind of prick who tracks his every mention on the intrawebs, this one's for him:


    And this one:


    And another one in case he doesn't get the point:


  4. Gendron is an idiot, a bigot, and a racist. Les Québécois live in their own little world, dependent upon more tolerant and civilized Canadians to support them...the end result of liberal policies on crack. This is the path the US now travels.

  5. It never fails to astound me how these blatant Jew haters are tolerated - and sometimes supported - by the MSM simply by wrapping that hatred around the "pro-Palestinian" sentiment. How convenient.

    I mean, they can't actually BELIEVE the lies they are propping their arguments up with. For shame.

  6. He walked it back a little but not much. As for his plans:

    Last year, Mr. Gendron announced plans to build a mosque and a halal slaughterhouse in the 2,600-person town in hopes of boosting its population with an influx of French-speaking Muslims from North Africa.

    Yeah, let us know how that works out. Thank goodness for HonestReporting Canada.

  7. Well said florrie.

    I guess he sees no bias or racism or prejudice in wanting only French speakers in Quebec. Well, good luck with that, looser.

    Let me know how that works out for you, Gendron, when your chosen friends outnumber you and your family and your values and your beliefs.
