Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Liberal Stormtroopers

Is this scene not reminiscent of Nazi brownshirts humiliating Jews in the streets of Germany?

In the race to assign blame for the disaster unfolding in London, the lines of battle have already quickly been drawn. In the eyes of the mainstream, the fault lies with the economic downturn and the savage policies of the Tea Baggers and their British cousins, the hated Tories of the UK. In the eyes of a small, but definitely growing, minority, the fault lies with the modern liberal order, where license has replaced liberty.

It’s a very boring argument, quite predictable and not one jot different from that I heard both personally, locally, state-wide, nationally and internationally following the hordes that put Los Angeles to the flame.

It’s also a useless one, as it misses the point entirely. However frustrating or maddening this is, one can take comfort in knowing that events have spun out of the control of both factions, with Nature increasingly acting to strip away pretense and illusion.

From top to bottom, from the Secretary of the Treasury, engaged in open theft of public resources to prop up the connected and the powerful who are “too big to fail,” to the lowliest Chicago thug running a drug ring in a bad section of town, American and Western life has been reduced to an atomized pursuit of self-interest and self-indulgence, tarted up with stage make-up and lofty phrases from the higher class of crook and appeals to victimhood and oppression from their lower class counterparts.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a top USG official or a thug in your face demanding you hand it over, submit, shut the fuck up, get back in line, get used to being a sheep, we take what we want, when we want, do I have to hurt you like this bastard behind me?

In a society where the most popular music celebrates criminality, violence, crass materialism and an empty, soulless sexuality, where the most popular television shows feature murder, organized crime and the oh-so-interesting inner life of gangsters, what does one expect?

We made our decision in the late 60s to walk this path and we will reap the full harvest before a new path is chosen.

There will be no point at which the American or the British people “wake up.” There will be no iconic image that shocks people into realizing that the current system is both fiscally and morally unsustainable, unsupportable and insufferable.

Instead, good and decent people will be tax farmed by their ever more ham-fisted authorities, and, in their daily lives, fulfill their destiny as sheep to the wolves those authorities allow to exist in order to keep control.

Until, that is, one man (and it will be a man) with some charisma and leadership decides that enough is enough. Then the full bill, with interest, will be paid, and the wolves will find out that the sheep hid long un-used fangs and pitiless claws.

The only thing left is to hope that this man, whoever he is and wherever he may be, has enough character to shape the reaction in conformance with the best of the Western tradition.

And perhaps one more thing: to be mentally ready to use those fangs and claws when necessary, to wipe the smug smile off the victorious barbarians’ faces. To see the shock on their faces when they realize this mark was only wearing sheep’s clothing.

To never hand over one’s clothes.


  1. Good post Jourdan. I hope that someone DOES stand up to lead, but I sure don't see him from where I sit. I just see capitulation, collaboration with the enemy, and a brand of suicidal idiocy unparallelled in the history of mankind.

    And that's on a good day.

  2. Yes, good writing, Jourdan. I think you're absolutely right.

  3. Two thumbs up Jourdan, excellent post.

  4. From top to bottom, from the Secretary of the Treasury, engaged in open theft of public resources to prop up the connected and the powerful who are “too big to fail,” to the lowliest Chicago thug running a drug ring in a bad section of town, American and Western life has been reduced to an atomized pursuit of self-interest and self-indulgence, tarted up with stage make-up and lofty phrases from the higher class of crook and appeals to victimhood and oppression from their lower class counterparts.

    Wow. A better concise summary isn't likely to be written anywhere.

    Until, that is, one man (and it will be a man) with some charisma and leadership decides that enough is enough. Then the full bill, with interest, will be paid, and the wolves will find out that the sheep hid long un-used fangs and pitiless claws

    This scares me, and if it doesn't, it should you all. The history of "one man" problem solvers (real and imagined) is not good. Faint hope that such a leader will remain good, and not self-indulgent, is seldom enough.

    I think the concept, however, as presented, is true enough. I already know about the use of fangs and claws when necessary, from the cover of sheep's clothing when opportune. A war on our city streets is to be feared by the prudent, but it may not be avoidable. Just understand that many of us will fall in the defense of what liberty we have left. Bullets and axes are indiscriminate like that.

    What we are witnessing in the U.K today is the futile last stand of the original "duty to retreat" that grew from feudal concepts that only the state, the King & minions, had a right to self defense and to kill on behalf of a crown. We do not have a formal duty to retreat in the USA, which makes us exceptional or wild cowboys, take your pick. However, we are slowly give up the right to self defense .... maybe not so slowly. In many cities now we, too, have a duty to retreat foisted on us. We justify it by making excuses for the inexcusable.

    So we now have a vivid image in the UK of how that works out.
