Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Analysis of Texas Job Growth

More data than you can shake a stick at.
My advice to anti-Perry advocates is this: Give up talking about Texas jobs. Texas is an incredible outlier among the states when it comes to jobs. Not only are they creating them, they're creating ones with higher wages.

I'm bookmarking this kid - Political Math.

He doesn't seem to be particularly partisan - he seems to follow the data wherever it takes him. Some of those places are not kind to Tea Partiers - well, OK. It means his analysis of Texas is harder to dismiss as partisan.


  1. Oooo, good find lewy! I've bookmarked him too. :)

  2. Yes, the man has a good mind for numbers and a clear voice in his interpretation of same.

    I've bookmarked too... along, alas, with the thousand or so other extremely inter sting sites that I can't get to all that often.
