Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Chickens Have Come Home To Rooooost....

Jane Fonda is wringing her hands and whining about being unceremoniously dumped by QVC:

Fonda, 73, was supposed to appear on the home shopping network today to promote her upcoming book Prime Time: Love, Health, Sex, Fitness, Friendship, Spirit - Making the most of all of your life.

But she claims angry viewers forced the cable channel to slam the door on her highly promoted appearance.

Awww. What kind of people would do such a mean-spirited thing? Says she:

I am, to say the least, deeply disappointed that QVC caved to this kind of insane pressure by some well funded and organized political extremist groups.

"Political extremist groups" like millions of American vets and their families? Scary bunch.

Hanoi Jane cavorting with the Viet Cong, 1972


  1. Shocking, I tells ya ... a self proclaimed Communist (U of M, Ann Arbor, 1972 or 3 IIRC) is scrubbed from a blatantly capitalist cable show!!

    Best event of recent memory is the book signing she held where a guy stood in line just to spit on her.

  2. Change your life for the better by utilizing forgiveness in your life, rid the bitterness and be grateful for every moment of everyday of your life. Life is a wonderful and powerful gift that we should never take for granted, nor should we ever carry bitterness within us while here. May you discover what we knew at that time..brotherhood of man, Love is all there is.
