Saturday, July 16, 2011

Izzit Country?

Harry Truman once said something about he had a choice of being a politician or a piano player in a whorehouse.  He ended by saying the piano player had the more honest job.

Well, Lyle Lovett is a graduate in journalism.  Turning his writing abilities to 'country' music was the most honest choice he could make as well.

Since as usual, the video embedding does not work for crap, I will just put the link here and hope that someone with more skills and patience will turn it into something usable.

By the way, this whole album is excellent, and the only one by a 'country' artist in my collection.


  1. And now, with a sunburned head, and an auto-engineer burned soul, I will head for my bed.

  2. Dances, I checked the embed code at You Tube and it has been disabled for this video that's why it doesn't work.

    Hope you feel better in the morning, sleep well.

  3. Saturday, after working on my car for nearly five hours in the broiler section of the local mall parking lot, I thought it was ready to go.

    I tried to start it, and got no response, so I called the tow company who charged me $65 to get it to my cousin's shop.

    This morning I went there, and he brought out a meter to check connections, etc.

    The first thing he said was 'This battery cable is loose as heck'.

    I then remembered that I'd put the cables on only finger tight, planning to get the wrench and tighten them.

    Had I remembered, and done so, it would have taken about 30 more seconds and my car would have been running since about 2:30 Saturday.

    The high cost of baked brains.

  4. Oy. Poor DWT. Would it make you feel better to hear that my father in law called hubby to say he couldn't start his car the other day. Hubby went over with his jump leads. He sat in the car to turn on the engine, and said "it usually helps if the car is not in reverse gear when you start it...".


  5. DWT- I've done just as bad, and without the excuse of baked brains. A few years ago I changed the oil on my truck, and failed to notice that the little rubber seal from the old filter had stuck to the engine block. The new filter went on no problem. I went out for a drive and only made it about 1/4 mile down the road before the seal(s) blew out in a spectacular spray of smoke and oil. Oil pressure dropped to zero. The only thing for which I can give myself a little credit was having enough sense to kill the ignition.

  6. Oh- and then there was the time I paid $75 to have my truck towed about 1/8 mile to the shop because I was certain the starter had gone dead. Turns out it was just the battery. Mechanic could have either jump started my truck, or even walked a new battery down the street.

    Anyhow, I'm glad you at least have your car back in action. Hopefully your baked brains are back in action as well.
