Thursday, May 5, 2011

More Sphincter Speak

Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury and spiritual leader of the Anglican church, is a deluded nutcase.

In fact, instead of the honorific "Your Grace" he should be addressed as "Dis Grace".


  1. Williams, in his mind, is a big thinker. By that I mean he looks to some sort of Gaia logic. Certainly not Christian, nor reality based, grounded humanity logic based.

    When/While he ignores Osama's self confessed responsibility for 9/11 he asks for justice, when, actually, justice has been well served.

    William's is just another bullshitter who has led a protected life provided by others for whom he has no respect. True justice would be him being flayed in the public square simply because of his sheer stupidity. I joke, of course.

    Great picture, Fay, to accompany the post.


    Was that a proper use of 'sheer'?

  2. Thanks Luther, I thought it was "picture perfect" as well.

    Williams annoys the hell out of me and if I was an Anglican I'd be looking to convert.

  3. Silly question, but what the hell would one convert 'to' nowadays.

    I find, myself, lost in a sea of every man for himself.

    I don't like that. But I don't know what I can do about it. What was that old rule, communist based I think, where any group larger that three people was subversion. I'd be damn happy, no matter the risk, to have two others nearby who shared my thoughts as to how insane the world is just now. Alas, everyone is afraid to say anything, in person, anymore. Including myself. Only here, in the internet, can I come close to saying what I really think.

  4. I"m sorry, Fay. I don't mean to besmirch your post. Just that it set me off in reverie. Delete if you like.

  5. Well, one thing more. If you look closely at William's hands... there is a Rattlesnake resting there. :)

  6. No apology necessary Luther you didn't besmirch a thing.

  7. As for conversion, how about Judaism, or Catholism? Or Lutherism?

  8. Ha. As one might expect I have a certain bias toward Lutherism. Though I get your point, I think. But yet, even Luther's screed on the door left out much. He, like us I think, was too wrapped up in the moment. Most movements, seems to me, focus on the future, the future being the afterlife or some sort of utopian future which no one living will ever see. Pie in the sky.

    Most often I think I'm too cynical, other times I think I'm not cynical enough.

    Williams, I think, has no doubt whatsoever that his view is the right view. As do so many today.

    Please forgive me my digression from the point, my mind wanders more and more these days.

  9. Perhaps, Fay, you are protecting me from my ignorance, so as to not draw so fine a point. I appreciate that.

    But what about what I said up there.

    I understand that I make drunk comments, beyond common reason, at times. But really, in that comment did I not address real questions? Need I temper my thoughts to elicit conversation, which is, after all, my interest.

    Though yes, I'm guilty of horrible use of commas. Yes, I love those little MF's.

  10. Luther sez ....

    "Alas, everyone is afraid to say anything, in person, anymore."

    Say what? Huh? You mean THAT's what I've been doing wrong all these years? Runnin' off at the mouth, pointedly when necessary, in person as well as by paper or electronic media.

    Believe it ... I am no different in person than in writing. Really. I realize that can cause a fall from social grace now and then. After well over 60 years of it I'm not likely to change much, though.

    My friends I hold fast, and my enemies ... I just keep a stank eye on them and otherwise don't worry about them much.

  11. Minor Qualification: I am capable of zipping my lip on topics not posed or in discussions where interrogatories are not made. I'm only 90% a boorish prick :))

  12. "Believe it ... I am no different in person than in writing."
    Thanks for the warning- I'll scratch Detroit off my next trip across the country : P

  13. Actually the two fellow bloggerfriends that I have met seemed pretty much the same in real life as they were online.

    Except they were both *much* taller in person.

  14. Actually Luther, I was talking tongue firmly in cheek.

    Williams is such an idjit that I would be in total despair if I were an Anglican. But I probably wouldn't convert.

    This to shall pass would be my mantra.

  15. Alphie said...

    "Thanks for the warning."

    Grrrouff!! :D

    We do have our attractions ....


  16. "Tongue in cheek". Which really, Fay, is why I find it at times difficult to understand others. As it is challenging to interpret meaning over these here tubes.

    Though, Ari, you are usually not difficult to understand at all. :)

  17. It's probably just my weird British sense of humour Luther...a lot of people don't get it either.

  18. OMG

    Note to self: never drop by Aridog's house without body armor.

  19. Or lots of fresh meat, florrie!

    On come on, Fay, British humor weird, surely you jest. :) But seriously, now that I know that bit I'll be more discerning in future.

  20. Picking up on Fay's comment, the Archdhimmi of Canterbury's mad ramblings were the final cause of my leaving Anglicanism forever. The man is a dangerous, proactive threat to Western, Judaeo-Christian-secular civilization- I don't believe for a moment that he is a naif, but rather his actions are intentional. Frankly, I would not be the least surprised if he was one of these "post-Christians" that does not believe in G-d... why HMQE2 has not convened a synod and sacked him is anyone's guess.

  21. I'll put it here:

    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all the Mom's on TCKT!!
