Monday, May 16, 2011

A Few Wonderful Photographs

Noah is an amazing photographer, so I thought I'd share some of my favorites with you all. I hope you enjoy them!

This is a beautiful summer sunset, taken at Jimmy Creek on Bull Shoals Lake, Arkansas.

I hope you can see it...the mist is rising from the ice-cold water of the White River below Bull Shoals Dam, on a hot summer evening.  It's magical to watch!

Post-Katrina in Biloxi, Mississippi.  You can see the remnants of the hurricane-destroyed bridge between Biloxi and Gulfport in the foreground.  In the background, a new, higher, stronger bridge has been erected.

Another view of the destruction.  In the background, you can see cranes working on the new bridge.

Buffalo Point, on the Buffalo National River in Arkansas

Spring bubble-gum roses on our deck.

This is one of my favorites; a wood-planked trestle, with the White River in the distant background, taken at Des Arc, Arkansas.


  1. Wow. I enjoyed those. With all of us here we could probably make a really good book of TCKT Photography.

  2. Fabulous shots, Noah, I can smell the roses from here! And they are sweet.

    My favorites are the sunset and Buffalo Point although they are all very good shots. Did he take the bridge pics from a boat? I still can't get over the devastation Mother Nature can wreak. It is truly fearsome.

    Thanks so much for sharing these, lady red.

  3. What fantastic photos! I love the last photo, of the wooden trestle. It's very evocative somehow, and very peaceful. From the angle of the picture you get the feeling you can just walk into the picture and jump off the end into the water.

  4. Nice photos. Thanks for sharing, lady red. I have to agree that the last shot may be the best. Great perspective down the trestle.

    I've tried to get some of those "mist" photos before, they're hard to get. I think his works because he managed to get a bit of the water below the mist.

  5. Funny, blogger wouldn't let me post until I previewed first. Comment box is acting sluggish as well...
