Sunday, February 6, 2011

Where Are The Clown Noses?

Maher and Weiner forgot their makeup and sparkly costumes, but this clip is still funny as hell.

The liberalism espoused by these two idiots borders on the social regimentation of fascism. The best remedy for clowns like Maher and Weiner? Point and laugh.

H/T: The shoeless, toothless uneducated riff-raff at The Blaze.


  1. I couldn't watch beyond the arrogant idiocy of 'shoes or teeth' from weiner-boy.

    A typical Oscar Meyer has a higher IQ (and a whole lot more usefulness) than that whole panel.

  2. I couldn't watch at all, Dances. I honestly think it's better for my health if I don't.

    Maybe it's my advancing age but lately my reaction is wanting to inflict bodily harm on these 2 schmucks.

  3. Is there some reason that the videos are not in their right placers on the front page? I have the Bill Maher where Ronald Reagan should be, and I have Dave Edmunds where Bill Maher should be.

    I did start to watch the Bill Maher video. I could not get more than 15 seconds into it. "The anti-intelectual forces" as epitomized by Glen Beck? The guy goes out of his way to give references for historical points he makes. He uses actual film of historical figures saying what Beck contends they say. This is anti-intelectual?

    Maher is a moron. He looks intelligent until he appears with people who actually force him to back up what he says -- which is not able to do. He sounds great in an echo chamber.

    And Weiner is an absolute waste of time.

  4. Hmm...the videos appear to be in the right place now...that's weird that they shuffled.

    Maher is a bitter, bottom-of-the-barrel hater. He's so intense that I sometimes cringe when he gets on a roll. I almost feel sorry for him; it can't be easy living with so much hatred oozing out of every pore.

  5. Every time I think of Maher, I picture him -drunk-in the Halloween party "costume" of Steve Irwin with the manta "spear" coming out of his chest. He had just recently died.

    I totally agree with you, Matt. Beck gets too preachy for me to be a regular viewer but his historical analysis is backed up with many sources, including authors who have studied their particular subjects for many years.

  6. Maher is a 3rd rate stand up comic (the kind who giggles at his own jokes before he even finishes them ... so you know when it's funny, eh) who discovered politics on a backwater cable channel, went big time for a brief period, then flopped. He's tuned his schtick to the adoration of liberals now in a futile comeback attempt. He'll be "big" (in liberal minds) until December '12, then forgotten. He has the gravitas of bovine methane.

    He's like a lot of earnest attention seekers who actually briefly succeed at something nominally political and promptly grow sanctimonious and omniscient. They're easy to spot, they're the ones who can't get through a critique without low brow slanders .... "set up" the opposition as "inferior by edict" so you can make your point without reason.

    Sounds very much like a fascist to me.

  7. It's fairly ironic that Maher demeans Beck ... they're exactly the same, in my eyes, with different schticks. Maher with his smug self anointing giggles and Beck with his smug special ed. blackboards. A pair of flea weights.

  8. Speaking of 3rd raters ... lookie where Olberdorkmann is likely going. To a 3rd rate cable channel with Al Gore as one of the founders.

    I'll not be polluting my eyes with Current TV once Olberdorkman is on board. I can get all the BS I can stand on most any street corner here, don't need Kieth-Boy. My involvement goes back a few years, back to when it was a small Youtube venue. It's "adios" now.

  9. He has the gravitas of bovine methane.

  10. He's like a lot of earnest attention seekers who actually briefly succeed at something nominally political and promptly grow sanctimonious and omniscient. They're easy to spot, they're the ones who can't get through a critique without low brow slanders .... "set up" the opposition as "inferior by edict" so you can make your point without reason.

    Right on the money, Aridog.
