Sunday, February 6, 2011

Happy Birthday, Ronnie!

I love this answer given off-the-cuff during a presser.  Can't tell me this man was suffering from Alzheimers, then.


  1. President Reagan was awesome. I really loved that guy. Thanks for posting this DWT!

    My take? Ron Jr. is a hateful, spiteful little runt. He never misses a chance to disparage his mom and dad. Who knows if President Reagan had early-stage Alzheimer's while in office, or any other President for that matter. All I know is that I don't believe a word that comes out of Ron Jr. mealy little mouth.

  2. Little Ronny Reagan was interviewed by Medved on Friday (who had read his book and was sympathetic, thought LRR's critics were overreacting). Whether or not LRR said that his dad had the disease while in office, he certainly implied it and I think he should stick to judging dog shows.

    Plus I just can't stand him, he's a cull. I very much like lady red's description.

    Also, Tom said that Michael wasn't introduced. I suppose he was left out once again. That's just shameful, if that's the case.

  3. Also, Tom said that Michael wasn't introduced. I suppose he was left out once again. That's just shameful, if that's the case.

    FFS, how low-down and pitiful is that?

  4. Well, remember during Reagan's funeral he was sitting behind Nancy, Patti and Little Ronnie.

    I don't know the truth of the matter but Nancy has been estranged from all her children - biological and adopted - at one time or another. I recall hearing Michael say that Little Ronnie was her pet, however, and that he could do no wrong.

  5. should read: but I've read that Nancy has been estranged, etc., etc.

  6. Oh hell. I just turned on the pre-game show only to be informed that O'Reilly is about to interview Obama.

  7. Obama's lips are moving. You know what that means.

  8. What a softball interview! A third grader could do a better job.

  9. All Obama needs now is a worn pair of Wranglers and a muddy pickup truck. What a freakin' show! "Look at me, I'm a regular, middle-of-the-road guy."

  10. I can't stomach either one of them so Tom & I spent the last 2 hours at Home Depot.

  11. Another thing about Reagan (and GWB for that matter); they didn't need a teleprompter to speak.

    Speaking to elementary school children, FFS!


  12. Perhaps this was the school that puts the fear of God in kiddies if mom wraps a sandwich in plastic...

  13. I would like to say LOL, Florrie, but I can't.

    It's too true.
