Saturday, November 13, 2010

What's Cookin'?

It's a cool, overcast, blustery November afternoon in the Ozarks.  Most of the wildly colorful leaves have fallen from the trees, and the bare branches are a stark contrast to the evergreen of the cedars that huddle together in small groves.  We have a fire dancing in the woodstove, and a football game barely audible on the television, mostly ignored as we go about our individual projects.  It seemed like a great day to dust off the crock pot and create something aromatic, healthy, and delicious.

I had two chicken breasts thawed, so I half-filled the crock pot with water, chicken bouillon, and a dash or two of poultry seasoning and black pepper.  I then tossed butter into my favorite skillet, and added diced onions, minced garlic, sliced celery, and baby carrots.  When they began to caramelize, I pushed them to one side and added big chunks of the chicken breast to brown.  Then the contents of the skillet were added to the broth in the crock pot.  Next I scrubbed up some potatoes, cut them into chunks with the skin still on, and added them to the pot.  For additional color, I opened and drained a can of corn.  Into the pot!

The house smells heavenly.  Later I'll whip up some dumplings, and voila!  Dinner is served!

What's cookin' at your house?


  1. Two chicken breasts? That won't be enough for all of us, my dear, because I think we all will be heading right over!

  2. Yay!

    /frantically chasing the chicken herd around the yard...

  3. Chicken soup of course! What else would there be at my house? :))

  4. Yay! It worked! Do you know how many times i've tried commenting here in the last few months? I usually use Firefox. Is there a problem with this site and FF? Or is it my computer? I'm using IE7 here and it worked. I'm going to go back to FF in a minute and have another go...

  5. PS: What does "cool, overcast, blustery" mean? It has not been under 30°C (that's in the 80s F for you colonials) since April or so. We've had almost no rain... I'd give my eye teeth for cool, even blustery. (Remind me again what that is?)

  6. Nope. Firefox doesn't like my comments. :(

  7. Annie! I'm so happy to see you! How are you????

    I'm using Firefox too. I post using my google account, but you can also select from the drop-down menu. :)

  8. Hiya Lady Red! Long time no hear or speak! I just became a Grandpa! :)) We had our first grandson after 7 granddaughters - our daughter has 4 girls and gave birth 10 days ago to a son, Ariel Yedidya is his name. Our son has 3 girls... I can't get used to saying "he" instead of "she". He's so sweet, looks like his sister #2.

    I'll try and use my google account on Firefox but I'm not sure what name I'll appear under. Just give me a minute and I'll have a go...

  9. Nope, it doesn't work. Even though I signed in to my google account, my comment just disappeared into cyberspace. I wonder why that is? I comment on plenty of other Blogger/blogspot sites with no problem. Is there someone techy here who can figure out the problem? Is it my settings?

  10. Annie, mazel tov! How wonderful to have a grandson!

    I don't know why it wouldn't work. Hmm...

    Lewy is our resident techie. LEWY! YOO-HOO! ;))

  11. Yay!!! I did it!! I googled the problem and found an answer: In tools-options-privacy, click "accept 3rd party cookies". I did it, and now I can comment on FF. It's OK Lewy, you can sleep in a big longer. :D

  12. Shalom and Mazel Tov annie.

    A grandpa, woohoo!

  13. What Fay and Lady Red said!

    There is hope for my family yet. My son got engaged a few weeks ago. His cousins all had girls, including a pair of twins. Not that I want to pressure my son or anything!

    When my son called to tell us, Fay said "Grandbabies!" My son said, "Slow down, you two."

  14. annie's here! Chicken soup for all:)


  15. Mazal tov RadioMattM! If you want to give your son a good example, tell him that my son had 2 children in 2 years. And a 3rd is on the way... They take this "be fruitful and multiply" thing very seriously.

    Fay, LOL at your pic. She reminds me of my grandma. :)

  16. OK, nearly midnight here. Time for bed. It's been great catching up with you guys. Now that I've worked out how to post, perhaps I'll visit you more often. Have a good weekend!

  17. annie, did you see the speech our wonderful Prime Minister made the other day:

    The Conservative Kitchen Table: The Paradox of Freedom

  18. Yay, annie's here!

    Your dinner sounds delish, lady red. I just had a big lunch so I'm thinking of skipping dinner altogether. But, coincidentally, we were also going to have chicken breasts with a gorgonzola-tomato salsa, I baked an apple pie last night (Tom's favorite) that's what did me in this afternoon.

    LOL at the picture of "annie" making her soup!!

  19. Fay, your picture reminds me of my great grandma. She would serve huge meals that fifty people couldn't eat, and give you *the eye* if you didn't keep going back for more. Even lunch was a major event at her house!

    Did I hear florrie say homemade apple pie? :X

  20. yum yum, I love apple pie.

    The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi.

    I know...G-R-O-A-N

  21. Hahaha! Noah will love that one. :)

  22. Oh my Gawd that sounds good. I love the way you wrote it up too - had a really comforting evocative feel to it all that makes me feel great :)

  23. yay annie!

    Third party cookies for everyone!


    (Special cookies for Mac people)


    This is how cookies store data:


    Cookies especially for annie:


    Cookies which are NOT for annie:


    annie can have these instead:


  24. Cookies with bacon? SRSLY?

    Slap a jalapeño on top and I'll try one...:))

  25. I made bacon-maple cookies a few times. We LOVED them. Because they were bacon. BACON!

    Mmmmmmmm, bacon.

  26. afw: exactly. We need a t-shirt: You had me at 'bacon'.

    Check out the menu at voodoo doughnut. This is how we roll in teh PDX, yo...

    I've had maple bacon gelato downtown. Completely awesome.

  27. LOL lewy, I adore your cookie comment!

  28. Lewy, the voodoo doughnut menu has me drooling on my keyboard. They all look so scrumptiously yummy!

  29. Random thought: a food thread without DWT is like a maple bar with no bacon...

    like a raised voodoo doughnut with no fruit loops...

    like pink frosting with no sprinkles...

    like a third party with no cookies...

    /ow! ow! Okay, I'll stop!

  30. Fay, thanks! I'm really happy to 'see' annie and I'm really glad she worked out her cookie issues.

  31. Hi Lewy, thanks for those delicious cookies! And for the kosher ones too, LOL! ;)

    Fay, yes, I did read your PM's speech. He's a great hero in Israel. I wish there were more world leaders like him. I wish our own PM were more like him.

  32. The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi.

    ROFL!! Now there's my style of math :-)

  33. You people (tee hee) with your bacon-gelato and bacon cookies are making me feel faint with nausea...

  34. Put bacon on a maple bar? That's heresy. We maple bar enthusiasts say that Just-Won't-Do.


    Yes, where is DWT? I hope all is well with him.

  35. Well, if you don't want to eat it florrie, how about wearing it instaed?


  36. I think there might be something wrong with me. When presented with a picture of a shapely woman draped in booby-bacon, all I could think was, "She really should have shaved her pits before that picture."

  37. No worries, folks, It's been a rough week at work, and I'm pretty used up by the time I get home. I've stopped in every day to see what's happening - I just have not had anything to say.

  38. "Booby bacon" =))

    And I had the same thought about the shaving...

  39. OMG, Fay!! That makes my skin crawl, it's like Lady Gaga's meat dress.


  40. afw! GMTA!!

    My first thought was "Didn't they have any pit makeup?!?"

  41. I'm glad you're ok, Dances. I thought for sure you'd have a comment on a food thread. Hope work lightens up a bit for you.

  42. To cheer you up:

    DWT tours London in style!


  43. Boobies. Awesome.
    Bacon. Awesome.

    Boobie bacon. Not awesome...

  44. flo, didn't Tiny Tim record something about tutus and tattas.. no, that was tiptoe thru the tulips... never mind...

  45. By the way, it is GREAT to see you here, Annie. Hope you make it back often.
