Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Religion Of Atheism: Part Deux

Proselytizing on billboards?  Um, yeah.  Great idea.  Next they'll be papering my front door with fliers, or stuffing leaflets under my windshield wipers, or giving their top Atheist-In-Chief a funny hat to wear and a smudge pot.

But hey!  They've been reasonable since...1963!


  1. American Atheists: rubbing a belief in people's faces in the name of not rubbing a belief in people's faces since 1963.

  2. I really wonder why some atheists (because actually, most of the atheists I know don't care) are so vested in shoving their religion of no-religion down my throat.

    I don't care that they don't believe. Really. But apparently they care that I do. Why?

    I think it's a small penis issue.

  3. I think it's a small penis issue.

    Could you be any funnier?

    I think not.

    And yes, I do know that the word penis is going to be in the recent comments sidebar for a week.

    At least.

  4. ...I think it's a small penis issue...

    No silly...having a small penis tends to make you buy a lot of guns...not turn into an atheist.

    At least that's what Mr. Helmke and his ilk believe.

  5. See? There you go, penis is now going to be in three comments in a row.

    Anyone seen Stormi....

  6. OK, so I don't check in for a while, and the first thing I see on the sidebar is:

    See? There you go, penis is now going to be in th...

    And I'm of course thinking, the what? What?

    And do I click?

    Of course I do. I'm lewy.

  7. Oh lewy. The possibilities for that penis statement were truly unlimited.

  8. Also, aside from small penises, these atheist organizations seem to have been woefully inadequately prepared for the real world by their parents.

    Freedom of religion does not mean a sanitized freedom FROM religion. And stomping your foot and yelling cuss words doesn't necessarily get results when you're out of pre-school.

  9. "And stomping your foot and yelling cuss words doesn't necessarily get results when you're out of pre-school."

    But it DOES get results: It gets you ignored.

  10. I don't care that they don't believe. Really. But apparently they care that I do. Why?

    I think it's a small penis issue.

    afw, ROFLMAO!!!!
