Thursday, November 25, 2010



  1. Today, my mom, granddaughter, and I are baking pies and dinner rolls. Our son has to work until 11 pm (brand new job, no seniority) so we will have our feast tomorrow. Cheers, my friends!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving lady red to you and your. And to all my American friends and their families.


  3. Happy Thanksgiving TCKT! I'm thankful for my family and friends, our health (funny how that one climbs the list with each passing year) and also for my TCKT friends and their opinions on various matters from politics, to dancing, to shirtless Putin.

    Mrs. Alphie & I are spending the morning relaxing with our boys. It's rare that we have time to just sit and play with them. Later this afternoon it's off to the inlaw's house for dinner. Tomorrow will be Thanksgiving Part 2 with my Father, my sisters and their families. At some point we're going to try to get the boys to the city (that would be NYC) to see the big model train show.

  4. Alphie - that sounds awesome!

    We're kinda non-traditional, we don't do turkey or the traditional fixings. We have a buffet of Chinese food and our favorite things and go see a movie.

    We saved HP7 for today.

    lady red - I'll bet your granddaughter is adorable baking pies with you. :)

  5. Good morning, all, and a joyful Day of Thanks.

    I've been up since a little before 6, first roaming the innernets, then getting my prep-cooking done.

    So far I've peeled 10 pounds of russets and 6 pounds of yams, oven-dried the Italian bread destined for stuffing, which has been cut up but still refused to dry since Monday.

    I've started to get the ingredients for Lyana's Grandmothers baked corn recipe assembled, and the turkey I am doing (breast only, to augment the full bird being cooked at my mother's house) is staring at me and daring me to baste it with the olive oil/garlic dpread I bought for that purpose.

    Since we are not eating until 5 pm, the baked and/or roasted items still have about 2 hours before they go into the oven.

    Now I will go seek a recipe to make candied yams from scratch, for my sister, who has never done them before except from a can. I do not mean that to sound superior, because I have never, either. I generally don't eat them, or cook them.

    Anyway, wishing all here a wonderful day, whether this a holiday for them, or just another rotation of the planet.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends. Here, as DWT so poetically put it, it's just another rotation of the planet. LOL! Your turkey dinners sound yummy. Bete'avon (bon appetit!). :x

  7. Today, my mom, granddaughter, and I are baking pies and dinner rolls. Our son has to work until 11 pm (brand new job, no seniority) so we will have our feast tomorrow. Cheers, my friends!

    That sounds wonderful, lady red. I want to thank you, lewy and Fay for creating TCKT where all us old friends can meet and.

    We're non-traditional today too(as change of plans found us staying home due to weather) but we'll have a wonderful meal and give thanks for our health, family, friends and all the bounty God has put in our lives.

    I'm really grateful for all of you on-line friends (I've only met Fay, Matt & 1000 Sons). Stay safe and have a wonderful day.

  8. At some point we're going to try to get the boys to the city (that would be NYC) to see the big model train show.

    They're going to love that, Alphie.

    Another great thing about getting older is not having to split the holidays between both sets of relatives :-) heh heh

  9. HP7...took me a few seconds to figure that one out!

    We normally would be at my brother's and it's tradition to watch Planes, Trains and Automobiles after dinner. We'll still do that tonight but since we would - literally - have had to go over a mountain and through the woods to get to his place, prudence won out.

  10. We tend to do the turkey and such at Canadian Thanksgiving - I like the calendar placement better... :-)

    Today, we'll call family, read stories about the first Thanksgiving and the reason Lincoln made that original proclamation.

    Then, as we're having a lovely snow day, we'll have the girls' favorite snow-day meal - ham and peas in a white cream sauce over potatoes.

    And we're planning to make donuts to have with eggnog.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. I am thankful that I have the most wonderful wife I could have ever hoped for.

    I am thankful for this fantastic group of friends with whom we can discuss, and even disagree, on topics while providing everyone with food for thought.

    I am thankful that I was not half a second earlier last Sunday, or I would be in the hospital right now (and probaby for some time to come).

    And I am thankful that I now accept the fact that I wasn't a half second earlier and do not dwell on it (too much).

  12. Matt, sometimes it is good to be a little late. Hope you're feeling better, or at least drinking the good scotch until you do.

  13. As a Canadian, I am thankful that my Government announced today that they refuse to participate in Durban 111, just as they refused Durban 11.

    Bravo PM Harper.


  14. Seeing as it's Thanksgiving, I will take this opportunity to say thank you to Canada for their brave and principled stance towards Israel and human rights. I wish every other country would take an example from PM Harper.

  15. I hope you all had a great day. It was nice reading about everyone's plans.

    DWT, I want to hear how those yams came out. My wife make some good ones (though I have no idea how)

    lady red said "Today, my mom, granddaughter, and I are baking pies and dinner rolls."

    I completely missed that the first time I read this thread. Sounds like a wonderful day.

  16. I just want to say I am Thankful for all of you here at TCKT, for being real, for accepting me as is.

    When I am here I don't feel so far away.

    I hope to be stateside soon.

    Hugs to you all.


  17. Happy belated turkey day to all.

    I think UPS is screwing up again 'cause I'm still waiting for leftovers.

  18. "We saved HP7 for today."

    Ehh, was going to ask but I think I got it. Potter?

    ps - AFW. you ever seen Jericho :-P

    Srsly, you know I still have it right? I didn't want you to think you lost it or something.

    But (puppy dog eyes) my sis in laws dad wants to watch it if thats ok.

  19. Well, about time you showed up RWC.

    Where in hell you been?

  20. Did another stint in the joint :-P

  21. And I met a hottie there....

    Too bad it's my cousin :-(

    If I didn't have bad luck I'd have none at all.

  22. "If I didn't have bad luck I'd have none at all."

    Born under a bad sign, huh?

    Good to see you, RWC.

  23. Born Under a Bad Sign with a Blue Moon in your eye is the version I relate to... ;)

    Late check in - looks like everyone had a fine holiday. Mine could have been better but it could have been worse, too.

    That's all I'm at liberty to relate, in respect of the privacy of my extended family - sorry to be mysterious but, well, what can I do.

  24. RWC - you're welcome to keep it. I bought another copy already :)

    I figure that you took such good care of my cat while we were gone, it's the least I can do.

    Oh - and HP7? Meh. It was the beginning of book 7, which featured the World's Longest Camping Trip.

    I never thought I'd say that about a Harry Potter movie. It hurts my soul.

  25. with a Blue Moon in your eye

    I like that one too, especially since RWC is from Jersey.

    Oh, wait...

  26. Hang in there, bro, don't give up.

