Friday, October 8, 2010

Obama Vacation Photos

See the rest at Moonbattery.


  1. lady red, the photographs caught my eye a few days ago but I was on my way out the door. I looked at the whole thing on Moonbattery - great site!

    Obama never should have done that bicycle photo op. He deserves any 'shopping that comes from it and these are gems, lol!!!

  2. Well, apparently I have the place all to myself, woohoo!

    Can't lose an argument!

  3. You do! But, have you seen Psycho???

  4. Fay, when we were kids we all piled in the car one evening for the drive-in. It was a 2-screen affair and we went the wrong way (supposedly) and ended up seeing Psycho (with mom & dad saying "cover your eyes!"). Of course, we didn't cover our eyes and I probably spent the next half dozen years showering with the curtain open :-)

  5. LOL florrie. Check out my Psycho thread!

  6. I did, you two are so lucky to be seeing these on the big screen.

    OT - Does Matt post on Sound Politics? I saw some good comments from a "MattM" and wondered...

    Night night, Fay!

  7. I know he reads Sound Politics florrie. I'll ask him to let you know if MattM is him.

    Night night sweetie.

  8. Florie, I sometimes post on Sound Politics -- but not very often. Off hand I don't recall if i use RadioMattM or just MattM, though.

  9. Interesting topic progression; Obama to Psycho in four comments. LOL!

  10. Ahh, thanks Matt, it was a recent posting so it was another MattM.

    "Interesting topic progression; Obama to Psycho in four comments. LOL!"

    lady red, I almost choked on my coffee, heeheee.

    Well, there IS that Psycho-ish Joker caricature of him out there...(one of my personal favorites...)

  11. "Ahh, thanks Matt, it was a recent posting so it was another MattM."

    I think I saw that there was another MattM, so I think I use RadioMattM on Sound Politics. I know I have commented, but I do not know the last time that I did.

    I started using RadioMattM because is is more unique than a first name and an initial -- and I didn't want ot have to remember whatever number was attached to it to distinguish me form the other MattM's.
